Alpha Trading

Alpha Trading

28 Reviews

/5 stars
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5 days ago
Definitely recommend. Came into trading not understanding nothing. After watching some of the informational videos 💯 learned WAY much more information. Best out there for beginners. Definitely recommended.
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9 days ago
Introduction This review offers an authentic and heartfelt perspective on the incredible mentorship provided by Arbaz. As a beginner in trading, having joined his program just a few weeks ago, I've already experienced a significant transformation in my approach and mindset. This review is based on my personal journey and the remarkable value I've gained from Arbaz’s mentorship. Background Before discovering Arbaz, I had no prior experience in trading. I began my trading journey through his mentorship, and despite being a novice, I've quickly grasped complex concepts that would have otherwise taken me years to understand. Arbaz’s mentorship has provided me with a solid foundation and confidence in my trading abilities. Why Arbaz Stands Out Arbaz’s mentorship is a game-changer for several reasons: Comprehensive Research and Condensation: Arbaz has meticulously researched and distilled what works in trading from what doesn’t. This means you don’t have to spend years figuring things out yourself. His mentorship condenses all effective strategies into a single, cohesive program. This alone makes the investment worth every penny and more. Verified Accomplishments: Arbaz’s success is not just theoretical. His personal accomplishments verify that his teachings are effective. Without his guidance, I doubt I could have identified what truly works, even with extensive time and research. His level of intelligence and clarity is exceptional. Top-Tier Trading Skills: Arbaz isn’t just any profitable trader; he’s in the top percentile. His high-level trading skills are reflected in his accomplishments, such as being in the top 20 out of 200,000 profitable traders in TFT and being recognized with an interview. Even traders who are already successful can benefit immensely from his expertise. Simply put, Arbaz has the “sauce” for any trader, whether you’re a beginner or already profitable. The Value of High-Level Coaching To put Arbaz’s mentorship into perspective, consider the analogy of high-performing athletes. Even top athletes seek coaches to enhance their skills. However, the quality of the coach matters greatly. Arbaz is akin to an NBA coach, while many other mentors out there might be comparable to high school coaches—or worse, scams. Just as a top athlete benefits more from an NBA coach, even profitable traders can gain significantly more from a high-level mentor like Arbaz. Personal Experience Since joining Arbaz’s mentorship as a beginner, my trading etiquette has improved dramatically. The high-level insights he shares are invaluable and easily applicable to my trading strategy. The course content is a masterpiece, structured to transform a beginner into a confident trader. Topics range from psychology and backtesting to candle structure and fundamentals, all presented with clarity and depth. The community within Arbaz’s Discord server is another highlight. It’s filled with like-minded individuals striving for excellence, and Arbaz is actively involved, providing professional and timely responses to all questions. This direct line of communication is something I’ve never heard of in other mentorships. Conclusion In conclusion, Arbaz’s mentorship is an exceptional resource for anyone serious about trading. His dedication, expertise, and the supportive community he has built are unparalleled. Since completing the course, my trading perspective and results have transformed. I hope to get my first payout soon as a testament to its effectiveness. Investing in Arbaz’s mentorship is investing in your trading future. His teachings provide everything you need to become a profitable trader in the long run. I wholeheartedly recommend his mentorship to anyone looking to elevate their trading skills and achieve consistent success. To end this review, I impart with this message, always invest in yourself.
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11 days ago
Full and honest review on AAbandsz FREE discord. I am not going to lie and say im a super involved in messaging in the discord as i am not but the free discord gives value not seen in any other free discords im in. It has a live section in which he goes live in to breakdown the market and its easy to understand. The community is completely filled with like minded individuals attempting improve there trading. He's one of a few traders to post a profit AND loss section for his students to see what they have done well and what they could improve in. It is rare to see a loss section but just shows how honest the creator of the discord is. Many people assume this to be a money grab due to the large price point however speaking to the creator I can assure you it is not as he even convinced me to not buy the premium discord as he knew it wouldn't be as useful as the mentorship to someone knew to trading. He has a free chart analysis for everyone to see and it goes in depth explaining his biases. AAbandz also has his verified interviews and pay outs in the discord to remove all discouragement from you. which is huge as many big names do not show there pay outs or even have interviews. The owner AAbandz is really involved in the discord answering all questions sent his way proving he gives alot of time and huge amounts of dedication to his students and free members. This is a great free discord to join and ask questions in and i recommend it to anybody who wants to get into and learn about trading