This server changed my life, i was just a poor guy from Douala, Cameroon, After 3 years of tailing those guys, i finally move out of africa to follow my dream of moving to Canada, these guys are the best in the domain, there is no doubt, this price is nothing for what you get in return, the communit...
Baller Picks was my first guide in the betting world lock in with them
In over 14 months in the discord I’ve never had a losing month. These guys are consistently excellent.
Highly recommend. Friendly people and good bets
Greatest server of all time. Always making money n stacking up
Baller Picks have helped me way too much with making profit. They have taught me how to unit bet, and bank management along with helping me succeed in parlay betting. Baller and Gally is him.
These guys track their bets and do recaps everyday. They’ve been giving out picks for around 3 years now and have consistently been profitable in the long run. All you have to do is join VIP and copy their bets. It’s a no brainer to join 🔥
BallerPicks is the goat, cashed two 50-1k challenges back to back. Does insane amount of research to give us the best picks, and is always helping out anyone no matter what. Affordable price and profitable in the long run! Highly recommend!
last year I took way too many Ls with my picks and a few others I paid. Baller was the first discord that every week I end with profit.
Made back the money I paid for the monthly and been winning since over the long term it's perfect.