- ResellRevolution: Saas for Vinted — Vinted Resell Agency - Transformér trends til profitNEWMen hvad kan Vinted Academy gøre for dig? Jo, Vinted Academy kan hjælpe dig med at opdage eftertragtede varer hurtigere end 99,99% af Vinted-brugerne. Begynd at tjene en ekstra indkomst med den nemmeste sidebeskæftigelse på planeten. Dette kan du opnå ved hjælp af en bot, der er udstyret med 0-forsinkelsesteknologi, hvor annoncer ankommer øjeblikkeligt med en notifikation. vi har også autobuy så du behøver ikke engang forlade discord for at købe. Vinted er en salgsmarkedsplads med rigtig gode priser sammenlignet med Danmark. Dette skyldes, at sælgerne ofte er fra Polen, hvor omkostningerne er lavere. Du tænker måske, at fragtpriserne er høje fra Polen, men næsten alle fragtpriser er kun 13 kr., fordi Vinted har en aftale med PostNord og dermed kan tilbyde meget billig fragt.
- Profit Pioneers — The best reselling server!NEW/weekProfit Pioneers is a reselling group dedicated to helping others achieve financial freedom.
- Secret Source — If you snooze, you loose4.77(31)Velkommen til "Secret Source" – en unik og eksklusiv gruppe dedikeret til reselling. Vi er passionerede samlere, handlende og iværksættere, der har slået os sammen for at forbedre vores resell-game til det næste niveau. Hos Secret Source finder du en dynamisk fællesskabsplatform, hvor vi deler nøje udvalgte resell-tips, insiderinfo og de seneste trends på markedet. Vores medlemmer nyder godt af eksklusive informationer om kommende udgivelser og løbende opdateringer om hotte resell-muligheder. Vores primære mål er at styrke vores medlemmers fremtidige resell-færdigheder. Vores dedikerede team af erfarne resellers står klar til at guide og støtte dig gennem hele processen. Uanset om du er nybegynder eller en erfaren aktør på resell-scenen, er Secret Source stedet, hvor du kan tage dit game til nye højder. Vores fællesskab er bygget på gensidig tillid, samarbejde og respekt. Vi deler ikke kun vores viden, men vi skaber også et miljø, hvor vores medlemmer kan netværke og udveksle erfaringer. Slut dig til os i dag, og lad os sammen skabe en resell-fremtid, der vil forbedre dit game markant. Velkommen til "Secret Source" – din vej til resell-succes!
- Sneakerstash Bricks — We are a new brick group, with a team of experienced individualsNEW/monthFree TrialShoe reseller who specialises in brick flips
- Amazon Elite Pro — 🏆 HOP ON YOUR ONE-ON-ONE NEW MEMBER SUCCESS CALL AS SOON AS YOU JOIN! 🏆NEW/monthFree TrialHelping 100's make $1,000's every single day.
- 300 Chefs — The BEST VALUE random resell discord group to help flip lowkey profitable items!NEW/month300 Chefs is the top group chosen by many top resellers We are here to support you in your reselling and making money online journey Most members are new to reselling and are provided with all the basics and tools needed to become successful We focus on sneakers and random resell items that can be more profitable than other hard to acquire items Sneakers, Limited Edition Art collectibles, Toys, Consoles, Price errors, and amazing deals is what we prioritize to members Join our waitlist today
- outletify — Outlet Stores, Simplified.NEWHello! I created this group to help others achieve financial freedom and be their own boss. Starting with almost nothing in 2022, I have grown my business to six-figures in annual sales through reselling. I am now passing on the many valuable lessons I have learned down to group members. All are welcome, and even the free section guarantees profit!
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- FlippedHub — Flip Products Into Thousands $$$NEW/weekLearn How to Flip Products Into Thousands $$$ With Me
- The Hive — Elite alpha, live trading streams, premier community & NFT launchpadNEW/monthThe most trusted source of information for NFT alpha, helping you make sound decisions through real-time information, custom tools/alerts, and ongoing training - including live trading streams and commentary.
What is Reselling?
Perhaps the easiest entry into entrepreneurship, reselling is a skill that will teach you how to secure profits in hot markets by learning the art of the flip. However, because of its relative ease of execution, reselling relies heavily on insider knowledge, and the early birds always get the worm.
In recent years, the most successful resellers have either been part of or started their own reselling communities, and Whop is proud to house a collection of the very best.
Our reselling Discord servers will allow you to join your chosen crew of winners who spread knowledge and eat together. Once you’re in, you’re in and if you’re new to this game, you’re in for a reveal of a whole new world of ways to make money, sometimes by selling things or quantities that you never would have dreamed you would.
You’ll learn to flip everything,from the hottest sneakers and sports cards sales to low-key items like discounted appliances or other popular household items.
Browse Whop today to find your reselling community. Having supportive staff dropping tips in addition to accessing sophisticated tools such as real-time monitors will keep you stacking W’s while keeping the L’s low so you can keep your cash flowing and your reselling hustle booming.