Overall rating

44 reviews
  • Monsterlab y Alex: Una Experiencia Transformadora en Trading Monsterlab, bajo la guía experta de Alex, es sin duda el mejor lugar para aprender sobre trading. Alex, como mentor, no solo posee un vasto conocimiento del mercado, sino que también tiene una habilidad única para transmitir ese conocimie...

  • Top of the notch trading community for both english and spanish speakers. Helped me a lot in my development as a trader.

  • Very active and friendly community, you learn a lot from the livestreams, enhancing your understanding in tracking price.

  • mis gráficos han cambiado totalmente desde que entre a MonsterLab, es una gran comunidad de traders, mentes brillantes, como la de Alex, de las cuales puedes aprovechar y aprender de ellas, la capacidad de Alex para transmitir su conocimiento es increíble. siempre agradecido por la oportunidad de es...

  • I purchased his course two weeks ago, and he is truly knowledgeable about Po3. I’ve been watching his livestreams and studying his course on Whops, and I now have a much better understanding of how Po3 works. I've been trading with prop firms for a year and had not withdrawn any payouts until now....

  • The best trading community out there. Have been in several discords but none of them can be compared to this one. Dexter, disciplined_trader and others experienced traders have helped me to see the market better and better every day. The MMXM combined with the STDV is all what you need to focus on. ...

  • He pasado por muchas experiencias, quizás me enriquecieron el camino. Pero definitivamente cuando ingresé al laboratorio pude comprender al detalle no solo técnico sino psicológico: cuando, como y por qué. Es una maravilla.

  • It's an exciting and wonderful experience learning to predict with high accuracy where the price wiill print with measurements and analysis. These type of things needs to be explained by true mentors or coaches like Mr.Dexter and I like the way he teaches and his passion for explaining like a proffe...

  • Dexter is undoubtedly one of the best traders out there. His mentorship program is an absolute steal; it’s like discovering a hidden gem. I've been particularly impressed by his in-depth analysis of the relationship between standard deviation and market maker behavior. It's truly groundbreaking.

  • This whop has changed my life, I have learned a lot of things from MonsterLab and this is the place to be. Dexter's teachings truly are amazing and with his teachings alone is enough to retire you. The teachings from Dexter are amazing but whats even better is the community as everyone helps each ot...