Overall rating
750 reviewsHonest Review , Information is pretty good however it just feels like your talking to a brick wall when you try communicating with others , hardly get a reply and when you do it’s someone with a huge ego
Great way to help flipping your money, once you start to use a variety of channels you really reap the benefits of Astro Alerts. Really helpful staff!
Great server, pings on all profitable releases
Difficult to use, no real money to be made
Very satisfied with the Astro Alerts. The community in the discord is very helpful and I have been able to gain a lot of knowledge through them. Everyone is very friendly and willing to help which was very comforting for me as a beginner.
Joined on a 2 week free trial sent on an email newsletter. Was in the group before but left just cause I was taking a general break from all activities for over Christmas. Within these 2 week, I was notified on a very lovely discounted item which managed to get me 3 Xbox Series S for about half pric...
By becoming an astro member in my last 2 months of reselling i have not only been able to hit multiple shoes to resell, i also received all the valuable information about all drops that could help me maximise my chances of success in reselling. Additionally without astroalerts i have been able to di...
I really didn‘t think the group will be any special but they are the shi when it comes to reselling, not only sneaker but everything
Astro alerts is one of the best cook groups u can join it gives u all the information for every sneaker 10/10 would recommend to anyone who wants to start reselling