Overall rating

16 reviews
  • Great group of staff and individuals in the community. Affordable reselling group with a lot of services that really help take you to the next level. Great value and bang for your buck here.

  • Been in a few cook groups and this one by far my favorite. Everybody is cool af and helpful. Community is solid

  • Very friendly staff, and great community! You can easily make back your money, and more, after just a few days. Best part is, it's completely legal. I will be renewing my membership!

  • Great staff, very friendly Ask them anything and they'll know the answer. And yes,everything that we do here is 100% guaranteed legal. So you have no doubts that you can trust us. There's enough cake for all of us to have a slice

  • Within my first day, I got 1.5k worth of products for completely free thanks to Cakes Bakes. Definitely recommend it, it's much cheaper than other CGs too.

  • Great providers and staff. Super helpful and quick with the leads. Already made enough in 1 day to pay for monthlies 10x