Content Academy

33 Reviews

/5 stars
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14 days ago
Quite literally one of the best communities I've ever been in. Mino and Sam practically take your hand and write the first 7 seven videos with you and keep accompanying you towards 10k. Admin and content reviewers are also all super dedicated, Sam stayed 40 minutes overtime on our last coaching call just to give us more feedback. Overall, the academy is an amazing place to hone/learn your content skills and meet dedicated friends along the way. Definitely would recommend to a friend if they expressed interest in content creation.
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14 days ago
Hi I'm Kate this review is not going to be long I'm not going to sell you the product I will tell you what it gived me and if you want this program you need to know by yourself : Just a normal 14 year old from middle class country chasing her dream working hard feeling like there is no way that this IG personal brand is going to work until I saw Minos most random video ever (I watched him before so it was like hm should buy the course becouse I wanted to make that change in my life) Them watched a lead magnet video and bought it and it change everything like every single thing im my content game I've grown as a creator and person find people that actually got me and motivate me. You say another one that is like : Oh this comunity changed my life. I'm not saying it will, but it definitely can. Sorry I didn't know that this would be that long.
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15 days ago
The academy is the PERFECT gateway to someone who wants to get started in posting on social media, building their personal brand and getting their first 10,000 true fans. Mino’s guidance has been the push I needed to get my first 60,000 followers and now over 10m views in just 60 days. But it can only happen through consistent efforts to improve and work with people inside the academy. Been here since Day 1 and don’t intend on leaving anytime soon. Will see you there!