Titan Trades VIP Access

Titan Trades VIP Access

Unlock Daily Alerts & Real-Time Analysis

Join Titan Trades to grow small accounts with daily options alerts, real-time SPY/SPX analysis, and a supportive multi-analyst community.

See what other people are saying

  • A1 whole application

  • There is so much. Value to this discord. You really can’t beat it between the live trading the analysts and community that helps traders of all levels beginners or experienced. There is a lot of learning that can be done from all of the educational resources offered here . There is high accuracy and...

  • Titan trades is the best trading community out there. Everyone is focused on learning and improving themselves and helping each other as much as possible. Trent has built and amazing education based community and the live trading is the cherry on top! Join this server today!

  • Great server that treats each other with respect and like a family♥️. My journey started in Trents discord . I learned many ways to improve my trades . And it’s a gem for the price and the helpful tips it provides including the awesome zoom .

  • I recently joined the Titan Trades Discord Options Trading Group, and I must say, it has been an absolutely exceptional experience thus far. As an avid investor with a keen interest in options trading, I was on the lookout for a community that not only provided valuable insights and strategies but a...

  • Recently joined this Discord, it is a great community where you can not only learn and excel in your trading career, but they have a very interactive trading style hosted on zoom. This is a place where you can share ideas and learn from the analysis. As well, the discord owner and the analysis are a...

  • Great server and amazing service and quality 100% worth it.

Here's what you'll get

  • VIP ListExclusive Discord access with automatic role management for VIP members.

Learn about me

Trent A Shull Jr@trenttitan • Joined Apr 2023

I've dedicated my career to mastering options trading and building a community where traders can thrive. With Titan Trades, I offer meticulously researched alerts, real-time analysis, and interactive lessons to help others succeed.

Who this is for

  • Aspiring TradersLooking to enhance their skills and grow small accounts with expert guidance and real-time analysis.
  • Options EnthusiastsEager to profit from daily options alerts and fine-tune their trading strategies with SPY/SPX insights.
  • Community SeekersWanting to join a supportive, multi-analyst community for collaboration, learning, and growth.


Join Titan Trades VIP Access
$49.99 / month
7 day trial
  • Daily options alerts and real-time SPY/SPX analysis.

  • Educational lessons and access to past recordings.

  • Custom watchlists, news, and technical analysis.

  • Engage with a multi-analyst community for support.

Frequently asked questions


  • The tool lacks consistency. Sometimes gives great results sometimes doesnt make sense

  • A1 whole application

  • There is so much. Value to this discord. You really can’t beat it between the live trading the analysts and community that helps traders of all levels beginners or experienced. There is a lot of learning that can be done from all of the educational resources offered here . There is high accuracy and...

  • Titan trades is the best trading community out there. Everyone is focused on learning and improving themselves and helping each other as much as possible. Trent has built and amazing education based community and the live trading is the cherry on top! Join this server today!

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Titan Trades VIP Access$49.99 / month