Zay is the 🐐 for NBA picks
Great group of consultants. Made my subscription back in the first day I joined!
May have tailed during a bad month but never lost more coin than when I was in this discord. Reads seemed decent but most cappers play the same thing for NBA so it's like a hivemind. Same players played 3-4 times a week for some reason which was annoying too.
Great cappers overall. Just taking break for now
zay is the goat
Friendly always good vibes
How do I access the discord if I already have other discords I’m using how do I add this one I recently joined today
Not only the sharpest group of handicappers across all sports but a active, smart, AND hilarious community to boot. This sub pays for itself practically daily. Easy 5 stars, come mix it up with us!
Great discord
Very professional and u gonna win $