Everest Trading

144 Reviews

/5 stars
Customer Q&A
Q: Hi I paid for the monthly.memeber ship through PayPal. However I don't know where to check for alerts or content. Can u pls enable my membership.
A: Hey thank you for reaching out, if you could please open a ticket in the discord I can guide you through the channnels!
Asked on Jun 14, 2023
Q: What was your exit on CVNA? You called it out and it immediately tanked…
A: .55 - .78 is 50%! I didn’t want to hold all day because of OPEX
Asked on Jun 16, 2023
Q: Does the private discord get notified of the live plays you take on twitter before you say them on the space?
A: They get a few extra seconds before alert
Asked on Jul 6, 2023
Q: I just bought the subscription but it seems I don’t have access or know where to go?
A: Hey thank you for reaching out, if you could please open a ticket in the discord I can guide you through the channnels!
Asked on Jun 16, 2023
Q: I paid for a suscription this week, i should be fine right? It's just that i havent seen much content in the prĂ­vate forum
A: Hey thank you for reaching out, if you could please open a ticket in the discord I can guide you through the channnels!
Asked on Jun 16, 2023
Q: How can I leave a review? I paid the membership through pay-pal discord, before you introduced whop.
A: https://whop.com/hub
Asked on Jun 28, 2023
Q: I signed up, created a ticket as I still dont have access to any channels i can interact with, Please help!
A: You do have access I responded to ticket :)
Asked on Jun 28, 2023
Q: I know you said you fixed it , but now I only see the lifetime option . Not the monthly
A: now its fixed
Asked on Jun 16, 2023
Q: Hello, will the entry and exit price of trades be in writing or just live audio?
A: Always both…
Asked on Nov 18, 2023
Q: Hi I subscribed to paid option today. Could you please give me access? I can't see a way to message you or to open a discord ticket. Please help!
A: Hey thank you for reaching out, if you could please open a ticket in the discord I can guide you through the channnels!
Asked on Jun 28, 2023
Q: Hi, I just signed up for the monthly. I dont see access in the discord. Can you please help
A: Hey thank you for reaching out, if you could please open a ticket in the discord I can guide you through the channnels!
Asked on Jun 29, 2023
Q: Hello. Is any other means to buy the subscription other than PayPal?
A: Sadly no
Asked on Jun 29, 2023
Q: Hi I am on your monthly 59.99 and wanted to know if my rate will change? Can I still get lifetime at $600 since I am a member from the 59.99/600 price
A: Your monthly stays the same and no lifetime is now $3000… if you open a ticket I can give you a promo code for half off because ur a 59.99 member
Asked on Jun 17, 2023
Q: I just recently subscribed and submitted to get acess but I got no response yet. Pls help.
A: Hey please go under our support channel and open a ticket where I can assist you thanks
Asked on Sep 4, 2023
Q: Hi, I paid for monthly subscription but Did not get any information about the discord channel.please also help me how to create the ticket in discord
A: Hey please go under our support channel and open a ticket where I can assist you thanks
Asked on Aug 30, 2023
Q: Hi. How often do you have challenges and what is % of woning?
A: One a month atleast and then 75% id say
Asked on Dec 9, 2023
Q: I just bought the subscription but it seems I don’t have access or know where to go?
A: Hey thank you for reaching out, if you could please open a ticket in the discord I can guide you through the channnels!
Asked on Jun 20, 2023
Q: Hey Brother, I recently checked you out on twitter and I’m looking to expand my knowledge more with you! What’s the difference in the 70 & 200 monthly
A: The 69.99 is for a month while the 199 is for 3 months
Asked on Jun 22, 2023
Q: I just paid for a weekly access, I didn’t get thru to the discord, can you resend me the link?
A: No need to resend you the link… please visit your hub and rejoin the server! Thanks for joining, If you have any other questions please contact whop live support
Asked on Oct 31, 2023
Q: Hello, I'm curious, are there any difference in benefits between lifetime/monthly subs?
A: yes you recieve a bootcamp explaining how to find SPY plays
Asked on Jan 14, 2024
Q: I have paid for my lifetime subscription and what should I do next to get all the benefits and info about trade alerts and so on?
A: hey you can access 24/7 support in the discord aswell as the alerts and any education!
Asked on Apr 2, 2024
Q: Do you trade voice live in the discord, does the discord have a scanner for high volume stocks and do you show us how you find the stocks you trade?
A: Yes I trade live in the discord and I share my screen!
Asked on Jan 9, 2024
Q: How long is the free trial?
A: 3 day free trial…
Asked on Mar 10, 2024
Q: Hi , congratulations I have been following in X the platinum subscription includes the SPY trades or SPX ?
A: Hey yes, it includes all my entry and exits for spy and spx
Asked on Oct 6, 2023
Q: Can I still get the lifetime for $600 for being a $59.99 member? I would really appreciate it.
A: Your monthly stays the same and no lifetime is now $3000… if you open a ticket I can give you a promo code for half off because ur a 59.99 member
Asked on Jun 17, 2023
Q: Do you share what software you are using to find your trades, criteria you look for, etc. Would like to learn and not simply piggyback
A: Yes we do check out the edu videos in our discord
Asked on Jul 27, 2023
Q: If I get weekly to test program, will I be able to see live picks for $1k-$10k challenge?
A: Yes
Asked on Apr 4, 2024
Q: How do you become so profitable? Is it the brokerage? I entered a trade with you with more contracts and I was no where near as profitable as you.
A: Maybe your broker fees are high? Try using webull! please go under our support channel and open a ticket where I can assist you thanks
Asked on Aug 25, 2023
Q: Hi, are your challenges mainly based on options? Or stocks? And is there swing trades?
A: Options and day trades!
Asked on Jul 10, 2023
Q: Hello. Is any other means to buy the subscription other than PayPal?
A: No sorry
Asked on Jun 29, 2023
Q: What do you mean by “see my live entries and exits “ ?? Is it a video call ??
A: It’s a live discord call every am at 6:25 am pst
Asked on Jun 26, 2023