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Kenji Bot

(1 review)

Profit on millions of products

Nothing to see here just yet, come back later!

Lightning Fast
Very speedy software, allowing you to score the best deals.
Negative Keywords
filter out words you do not want in your results.
Real-Time Updates
Maintaining your competitive edge in the fast-paced digital market.
Customizeable Settings
Users can boost Kenji's results by having many settings options
Unlimited Tasks
No task limits!
Customer Q&A

Be the first to ask Kenji Bot a question. If answered, your question will show up here for future customers to see.

Customer reviews
5 out of 5
(1 reviews)
User avatar
4 months ago
KenjiBot is a very nice software. Perfect for eBay deals. I haven't seen any other eBay software's on the market and this is looking clean already. It took me some time to get everything set up, but now I'm getting deals daily! I'd recommend Kenji for any reseller
What regions does Kenji work in?
Kenji Software currently works in US, GB, AU, IT, FR, DE, NL, HK, & CA
Do you offer groupbuys?
We are currently limited to group sales but recommend you to contact us through social media or submit an email below in order to check availability.
How much does Kenji cost?
Kenji Software is priced at $150 USD LIFETIME
How do I purchase Kenji?
Kenji bot is only available to purchase through restocks to keep the product exclusive. You can follow us on social media and discord for information regarding upcoming restocks.
About the seller
Kenji Bot
Reselling • Sneakers

1 review

Kenji is the brand new and only Ebay software on the market. A first of its kind. Kenji bot is a software that benefits users by notifying when there is a cheap deal on eBay. this is an untouched area for any software or monitor. All eBay users know the feeling of having to keep searching and searching for sneakers or any products they need. With Kenji Bot, users can search unlimited products on eBay.