I’ve been following Maples Free twitch/twitter streams and he has added a lot of value to my trading career. I just joined the house of stax and I’m super excited to see all the great edu content provided.
Love the videos. Maple has a very methodical approach that makes it easy for traders to learn new concepts as well as hone their existing skills. Really enjoy the premium content and is well worth the investment if you plan to execute on what you learn from him and others through the platform.
If you want to be a successful independant trader, the EDU resources found within this group is a MUST HAVE to jump start your trading journey. I have learned tremendously from Maple's teachings and it's worth it weight in gold.
Love love love it
Best opportunity to learn from a trader.
I have been following Maple on Twitch and he is the best educator out there.
I've been watching Maple on Twitch for past month and and have learned a lot. decided to join the discord and loving all the educational material and tips.
Love the live trading. Very educational and helping newbies understand how he trades. Awesome!
I love the education Maple provides. The community is amazing as well. There are channels where people discuss trading strategies. Very beneficial!
A great community with expert technical analysis and live trading. The go to place to learn day trading with options.