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Elite Founder Bootcamp Aug 22-25th 2024

Transformative retreat for peak performance

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Rigorous Workouts
Engage in challenging physical activities guided by a Navy SEAL to boost strength, endurance, and mental resilience.
Healthy Meals
Enjoy nutritious and delicious meals provided throughout the bootcamp to fuel your body and support peak performance.
Customer Q&A
Q: What is the lodging like? Will I be sharing a room?
A: We will be lodging in cabins with bunk beds. You will likely be sharing a cabin with others. There are 15+ cabins in the camp that house 10+ people.... and 50 of us... so you may be sharing a large cabin with a few people.
Asked on Mar 25, 2024
Q: What will food be like?
A: We will probably have the below. Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions. Breakfast: eggs + toast Lunch: grilled chicken + veggie Dinner: salmon + veggie Snacks: bananas, bread, peanut butter & jelly. All subject to change.
Asked on Mar 25, 2024
Q: What airport do I fly into?
A: Here are some airports listed by proximity to camp: • Lakeland Airport (Noble F Lee) - A few hundred yards from camp. Flights from Chicago only. • Rhinelander, WI - 35 miles from camp. Delta Airlines only. Rental cars available. • Wausau, WI (Central Wisconsin Airport ) - 90 miles from camp. Delta, American, United, and more. Rental cars available. • Minneapolis, MN. - 4½ hours from camp. • Milwaukee, WI. - 4½ hours from camp. • Chicago, IL. - 5 hours from camp.
Asked on Mar 26, 2024
Q: Should we plan to arrive evening of the 21st and depart morning of the 26th? Or arrive morning of the 22nd and depart evening of the 25th?
A: We ask for people to arrive by Thursday at 6 P.M. (Aug 22nd). The very light programming will take place starting Thurs evening and conclude late Sat night or Sunday morning. People will depart Sunday morning. We ask people to leave by noon on Sunday.
Asked on Apr 16, 2024
About the seller
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Elite Founder Bootcamp Aug 22-25th 2024
This is a big experiment! Please set expectations low. We are bringing together 50 ish people + a Navy SEAL in the northern woods of Wisconsin at an unused summer camp. We will eat healthy, work out with the Navy SEAL, and there will be a lot of solo time to work, read, write, etc. We are going to ask people to turn in their phones for most of the experience. Don't expect strong wifi or lots of outlets.

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