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The Art of Professional English

(3 reviews)

Revolutionizing Your Communication Skills

In this eBook, you will:

🔍 Discover Effective Techniques for Professional Communication.

📘 Master 1,200+ Casual vs. Professional Expressions, organized across hundreds of contexts, to seamlessly adapt your tone from casual to professional as needed.

📖 Explore Hundreds of Essential Vocabulary, each accompanied by meanings, phonetics, and contextual examples. This invaluable resource is designed to bolster your linguistic proficiency.

🌐 Understand the Influence of Linguistic Style: Uncover how strategic use of linguistic style can significantly enhance communication effectiveness.

Having a problem while purchasing or downloading the eBook? Contact us at: learnenglishwithbobby@gmail.com

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The Art of Professional English: Elevating Your Communication Skills in Any Situations

Comprehensive Coverage
Delve into extensive aspects of professional English to elevate both casual and formal communication skills.
Strategic Insights
Tailor your language for diverse audiences and purposes with actionable strategies and real-world applications.
Extensive Expressions
The e-book includes over 1200+ expressions applicable to both casual and professional interactions.
Vocabulary Enhancement
Expand your professional vocabulary with hundreds of essential words, crucial for clear and impactful communication.
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Customer reviews
3.67 out of 5
(3 reviews)
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2 months ago
Where is my purchase, you deduct money from my card. No product receive. OMG
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2 months ago
It's a very valuable book, I love it.
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3 months ago
Awesome and helpful for work in shelter environment.
Is there a printed version of the e-book available?
At present, we do not offer a printed version of the e-book. The possibility of releasing a print edition in the future remains under consideration, but details are yet to be determined.
Do we need to pay monthly, or is it a one-time payment?
The purchase of "The Art of Professional English" is a one-time payment. There are no monthly fees or additional costs after your initial purchase, granting you full access to the entire e-book and its contents.
What are the contexts that the expressions in this book cover?
"The Art of Professional English" encompasses over 1200 expressions, distinguishing between casual and professional tones across 111 diverse contexts. These contexts include: 1. Greetings 2. Farewells 3. Sign-Offs for Written Communication 4. Expressing Preferences or Interests 5. Expressing Lack of Interest or Dislike 6. Expressing Strong Interest or Enthusiasm 7. Expressing Certainty 8. Expressing Uncertainty 9. Expressing Optimism 10. Indicating Probability 11. Indicating Possibility 12. Expressing Personal Opinion or Belief 13. Expressing Strong Convictions 14. Expressing Tentative Opinions 15. Acknowledging Alternative Views 16. Expressing Indifference 17. Declining to Express a Strong Opinion 18. Small Talk 19. Closing Conversations 20. Making Requests 21. Requests for Participation or Involvement 22. Making Suggestions 23. Expressing Interest in Suggestions 24. Offering Creative Alternatives 25. Making Collaborative Suggestions 26. Offering Help 27. Asking for Help 28. Expressing Interest in Offering Help 29. Asking for Opinions 30. Seeking Detailed Opinions 31. Requesting Professional Judgments 32. Asking for Information 33. Requesting Clarification 34. Seeking Guidance or Advice 35. Expressing Inability to Give Information 36. Indicating Lack of Knowledge with an Offer to Help 37. When Information is Confidential or Sensitive 38. Encouraging Inquiry Elsewhere 39. Expressing Gratitude 40. For Specific Help or Gifts 41. Expressing Ongoing Gratitude 42. In Response to Professional Courtesy or Collaboration 43. Apologizing 44. Accepting Apologies 45. Requesting Forgiveness 46. Apologizing for Miscommunication 47. Agreeing 48. Disagreeing 49. Softening Disagreement 50. Giving Feedback 51. Responding to Feedback 52. Encouraging Constructive Feedback 53. Acknowledging Areas for Improvement 54. Initiating Difficult Conversations 55. Acknowledging the Difficulty 56. Expressing Empathy 57. Expressing Sympathy or Condolence 58. Seeking Resolution 59. Offering Reassurance 60. Confirming Information 61. Clarifying Information 62. Asking for Repetition 63. Seeking Examples for Better Understanding 64. Giving Instructions 65. Providing Step-by-Step Guidance 66. Emphasizing Key Points 67. Offering Tips or Shortcuts 68. Encouraging Feedback During the Process 69. Celebrating Achievements or Milestones 70. Instructing or Guiding Newcomers 71. Providing Constructive Criticism 72. Encouraging Participation or Engagement 73. Negotiating or Bargaining 74. Addressing Misunderstandings 75. Planning and Scheduling 76. Handling Complaints 77. Acknowledging the Complaint 78. Offering Solutions or Compensation 79. Asking for Refunds 80. Responding to Requests for Refunds 81. Encouraging Prompt Payment 82. Responding to Requests for Expedited Payments 83. Addressing and Resolving Conflicts 84. Initiating Conflict Resolution 85. Encouraging Open Communication 86. Proposing Solutions 87. Setting Boundaries 88. Communicating Availability 89. Expressing Need for Personal Space 90. Providing Updates or Status Reports 91. Communicating Delays or Challenges 92. Sharing Achievements or Completed Tasks 93. Indicating Future Plans or Next Steps 94. Encouraging Professional Development 95. Networking and Building Relationships 96. Following Up After Meetings or Events 97. Discussing Career Development 98. Seeking Career Advice 99. Initiating Mentorship Discussions 100. Discussing Professional Growth Opportunities 101. Advocating for Change or Innovation 102. Expressing the Need for Adaptation 103. Proposing Specific Innovations 104. Expressing Unavailability or Busyness 105. Declining Invitations or Requests 106. Communicating Delay in Response or Action 107. Expressing Delayed Arrivals 108. Requesting Permission for Absence Due to Illness or Other Reasons 109. Communicating Collective Decisions 110. Indicating Tentative Decisions 111. Declaring Final Decisions
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The Art of Professional English
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Welcome to Bobby's English eBooks! Elevate your English communication skills and expand your vocabulary with our expertly crafted eBooks. Designed for learners at all levels, our resources provide practical strategies and engaging exercises to help you master the nuances of the English language. Whether you're looking to improve your conversational abilities or enhance your professional communication, Bobby's English eBooks offers valuable insights and effective techniques. Join us on this journey to better communication and unlock your full linguistic potential. Start reading today and see the difference!