/5 stars
Customer Q&A
Q: I signed up but unable to claim access. Says I'm banned. Username generalzod1025
A: Replied to the recent post- looking into it now
Asked on Aug 15, 2024
Q: I've messaged you on Discord before a few months ago. My Discord name is hitmonwang. Thanks for all your help. message 3/3
A: Should be complete!
Asked on May 7, 2024
Q: Hi Cedar signed up but don’t see it in discord. Connecting to a wrong discord. Long time follower from BT. Mozee
A: Looks like you got in! See you on the inside!
Asked on Aug 16, 2024
Q: i just joined but it no access to the discord pls help me
A: I was able to tag you in Market Talk - and also sent you a DM? Everything looks good on my side. I added you as a friend on discord as well if you will accept it.
Asked on Aug 17, 2024
Q: The error message says "Linking Failed-Please tell your community owner to give Whop Bot permissions to add members to the server." message 2/3
A: we are getting it resolved! I see your role for member updated now!
Asked on May 7, 2024
Q: hello i signed up but its not giving me access to the discord can u help pls
A: What is the discord id you connected here with whop to discord ?
Asked on Aug 17, 2024
Q: How do I get access fo a free trial? It's been 3 days. Error says I'm banned. Generalzod1025
A: Let me check into this for you?
Asked on Aug 16, 2024
Q: Had difficulty when trying to signup yesterday. Missed the promo price inadvertently...can I still get that price OR any chance of future promo offers
A: What is the discord id you used?
Asked on Aug 17, 2024