17 results
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19 days ago
I first came across RB's tweets this past year and was really impressed with the insights provided with the charts. I then subscribed to the substack and was blown away by how helpful they were in quality and amount of content provided. Regarding the Discord group, in all honesty it's been life changing with the educational content, daily morning updates, and real time explanation behind trades. These tools have helped me grow exponentially and given me confidence to make my own informed decisions. It is very clear how much work RB puts into this group yet still seems to be accessible to members from all levels. I am always looking forward to seeing any of RB's posts!
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23 days ago
Puts out accurate charts/levels and I’ve had tic, Adam Mancini, and others, he’s the only one I’ve stayed with, love his stock picks and charts, reviews BTC also
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24 days ago
Great! Always communicates with the group. Gives a lot of insight to his thoughts and the direction of a trade. Excellent for giving new traders the confidence to hold and execute successful trades. It will definitely help any trader, especially new ones.