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SAZ TRADER (Private Training Programs)

All Programs Are Offered To English And Arabic Speaking Traders

(Kindly note this program is tailored for intermediate level traders only)

Introducing a tailored 30-day trading enhancement program for intermediate traders, designed to take your skills to the next level. This program includes daily hour sessions where we will trade live together, allowing me to monitor your trades, identify mistakes, and provide real-time guidance.

Throughout our sessions, I will share my exact trading setups and the key market indicators I focus on. You will learn a variety of strategies to increase your profitability and gain the confidence needed to become a funded trader. By the end of this program, you will have a solid foundation and the advanced techniques necessary to excel in the trading world. Join me and transform your trading approach for sustained success.

نقدم لك برنامجًا مخصصًا لتطوير مهاراتك في التداول لمدة 30 يومًا للمتداولين المتوسطين، مصممًا لرفع مهاراتك إلى مستوى افضل. يتضمن هذا البرنامج جلسات يومية مدتها ساعة حيث سنتداول معًا بشكل مباشر، مما يسمح لي بمراقبة تداولاتك وتحديد الأخطاء وتقديم إرشادات في الوقت الفعلي.

طوال جلساتنا، سوف يتم تدريبك على الاستراتجيات الخاصة بي ومؤشرات السوق الرئيسية التي أركز عليها. ستتعلم مجموعة متنوعة من الاستراتيجيات لزيادة ربحيتك واكتساب الثقة اللازمة لتصبح متداولًا ممولًا. بحلول نهاية هذا البرنامج، سيكون لديك أساس متين والتقنيات المتقدمة اللازمة للتفوق في عالم التداول. انضم إليّ وقم بتطوير نهج التداول الخاص بك لتحقيق النجاح.

(يرجى ملاحظة أن هذا البرنامج مصمم خصيصًا للمتداولين ذوي المستوى المتوسط ​​فقط)

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Lifetime Discord Access
Upon payment and finishing the training course, you will gain lifetime access to my private Discord channel
End of Week Follow up
I will closely monitor your progress daily and provide end of the week detailed update every friday
Weekly Market Anaylsis
As a private member on our discord channel, you will get my exclusive weekly market anaylsis and trade calls
Beginner's Course
This boot camp is the ultimate guide for beginner traders, providing you with valuable insights and practical experience
Intermediate Course
Designed to help you become a funded trader And significantly expand your trading knowledge and expertise
Advanced Course
This intensive program offers a detailed blueprint on how to trade personal accounts and manage multiple funded accounts
Multi-Language Programs
All Programs are offered to english and arabic speaking traders
برامج متعددة اللغات
جميع البرامج متاحة للمتداولين الناطقين باللغتين الإنجليزية والعربية
Customer Q&A

Be the first to ask SAZ TRADER (Private Training Programs) a question. If answered, your question will show up here for future customers to see.

Q: Is anyone eligible to purchase your programs?
A: Absolutely! However, please note that I only accept traders who are 100% committed to completing the training.
Q: Will we be trading live or using simulations?
A: We will be trading live every day for 30 days. This hands-on experience is crucial for thoroughly understanding each
Q: Do you offer refunds?
A: Our programs are non-refundable. Please ensure you are fully as seats are limited.
Q: Which days will we be trading?
A: Every day of the week starting Monday and ending Friday , we will also meet saturdays and sundays for reviews.
About the seller
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SAZ TRADER (Private Training Programs)
Trading • Forex

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Financial Banking Background Turned Into Full Time #ICT Trader. I Trade Multiple Markets #Forex | #Crypto | #Stocks مصرفي سابق و متداول محترف

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