Stock Talk Insiders is a professional trading & investing community brought to you by @stocktalkweekly on X (250K+ followers, followed by Elon Musk). We are founded by an expert team with 40+ years of combined experience. Our team researches intensely every day to provide a three-prong confluence for high-conviction trades: actionable charts, meaningful catalysts & unusual options flow. We trade live on stream every single day from open thru close, and provide daily ideas in premarket & throughout the session. Our content is suitable for both experienced & amateur investors alike at an industry-best price & value. Preparing high-quality trade ideas takes an enormous amount of time sifting through charts, catalysts, SEC filings, and balance sheets. Our team takes that work out of your hands.
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chrispalos3419 4 months ago This is an amazing discord for daily/swing trades. I’ve been in multiple discords and this is by far a top discord. For the price, this is worth every penny. Signed up and paid 4 months ago |
gail73 4 months ago Such a wonderful site.It just makes you feel like you can be relaxed and confident in such an exciting, but dangerous environment. You get great tips and advice/support on how to manage yourself. It's so cheap, really . My first trade paid for the whole year and more. Nice people too Signed up and paid 2 years ago |
maherjaber18 4 months ago I’ve been listening to the Stock Talk Daily podcast on X for almost a year. He’s definitely my favourite speaker, offering great factual insights and real takes on markets and trading emotions. A couple of months ago, I decided to join the Stock Talk Weekly Discord. After joining, I realized that like-minded individuals form a great community. I enjoy listening to other contributors who bring various perspectives to the market environment daily. My day starts with the best market information early in the morning with Wall Street Engine, who has the unique ability to provide a full summary of daily news. I then look forward to Yonezu’s hidden gems with market volatility picks that can yield +10% out of nowhere. At 9 AM, I receive the sell-side stock picks from Stock Talk Weekly, which guide my trading plans for the day, enhanced by the daily live stream hosted by Stock Talk Weekly and his market insights. Before the market opens, I listen to the soothing voice of Pup of Wall Street, who provides meticulous chart analyses. There are many other traders who post regularly, including Logical, who has an unmatched understanding of small caps, and Urkel, who offers valuable guidance on crypto trade ideas and timing. In conclusion, the Discord has become an essential part of my daily routine. I am thankful to all the contributors to the platform for enabling me to be a better-informed trader and part of a great community. Thank you, everyone! Signed up and paid 6 months ago |
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