Timing is everything in trading and in life.
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📈 Equities Alerts for Day Trades and Swing: Receive timely alerts for equities, including entry, stop, and price target for both day and swing trades.
📝 Options Alerts for Day Trades and Swing Trades: Get alerts for options trades, including expiry and strike, to maximize your trading opportunities.
🎯 1 Daily Options Call Spread 90% Winner: Access a high-probability daily options call spread with a 90% win rate.
⏰ Daily Guidance + Live Trading: Join live trading sessions and receive daily guidance from 8-10 AM and 3-4 PM EST.
🎤 Daily Voice on Discord w/ Luckeee & Superbloom: Tune in to daily voice sessions on Discord with Luckeee & Superbloom from 9-11 AM and 3-4 PM EST.
🗓️ Market Review Every Sunday: Get a comprehensive market review every Sunday to prepare for the week ahead.
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jay_charting 13 days ago Like any trading discord, there are a lot of educational videos/classes.
However, when it comes to trading and trade alerts, the discord owners are all over the place in terms of market bias, timeframe and actual direction of trades.
Don't be surprised if the owners are literally on the opposite sides of the trade at the same time (one going long and the other short) Signed up and paid a month ago |
ganyicheng2012 14 days ago Joined 1 month ago, learning lots! Signed up and paid a month ago |
cgar024 23 days ago Esther and Michael and Andrew do an amazing job teaching the discord their strategies. They help us stay patient in trades and also provide great analysis for the day. Felt like home from day 1. Signed up and paid 2 months ago |
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