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Trend Trading

(12 reviews)

Exclusive Community

To keep the server’s quality high, I'm going to raise the price for every 50 people that join.

  • Current price - $97/month
  • Next price - $127/month

Last price increase - July 26th

The server is flooding with members, join now at $97/month while you still have the chance.

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Premium Access

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Online course

Trading Course

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Online course

Options Strategy

Whop Wheel icon

Whop Wheel

Whop Wheel

Real-time buy and sell alerts
Trading Education
Detailed strategy PDFs
Custom Scanning
Custom scanner to help you find the top stocks
Exclusive Chatroom
Exclusive chat for members
Weekly watchlist consisting of high-potential stocks
24/7 Support
24/7 support (except when I'm sleeping)
Customer Q&A

Be the first to ask Trend Trading a question. If answered, your question will show up here for future customers to see.

Customer reviews
5 out of 5
(12 reviews)
User avatar
1 month ago
I have been apart of a couple discords trying to learn, and Trend Trades is by far the best. Not only does he give you the study materials to use and be successful on your own, but he is active in the chat and willing to answer any questions or walk through any of the trades he takes. I might not win every trade on my own, but I am feeling more and more confident with entries, trims and exits. I highly recommend this discord to anyone who is on the fence about joining!
User avatar
2 months ago
I joined almost a month ago and was a little hesitant at first, but man was I glad I made that choice. Not only does Trend patiently answer and correct any questions we have, but he also gives us the opportunity and tools to learn his strategy. Ever since I have joined this discord, I have corrected some mistakes I have made with my own strategy (basically identical to his) and l have grown in learning and knowledge by copying his trades too. I consistently see 100% gainers in this discord that get called out for entry, trims, and exits. Highly recommend for anyone considering buying this discord, you will make the amount that this costs back in a day.
User avatar
2 months ago
Great trading group. The calls are usually correct and give big gains, and you can learn how/why each call was made to learn how to trade like this yourself.
About the seller
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Trend Trading
Trading • Stocks

12 reviews

Trading community focused on helping members become profitable traders.

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