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Waitlist Pages

Create a Waitlist Page in Minutes.

Waitlist page templates Bundle for Figma Webflow and Tailwind. Choose from over 100 unique "Waitlist landing page" designs to launch your Kickstarter, Product launches, Startups, Newsletters, Notion templates, SaaS, eBook, and more.

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Fully customizable
Wonderfully organized and layered Figma file. Easily redesign sections.
Dark & light mode
All Tailwind templates have auto-detection by system and a switch button for the dark/light mode.
Faster than ever
Website performance tests resulted in 100% scores from GTMetrix.
Import to Webflow
Import your template to web flow and go live in minutes
Mailchimp Integration
Collect your early adopter's email addresses in Mailchimp ( or any other email platform).
Launch Using vercel or Render
Deploy your new Tailwond Waitlist page in Vercel for free
Customer Q&A

Be the first to ask Waitlist Pages a question. If answered, your question will show up here for future customers to see.

Do I need to know HTML and CSS?
No, you donโ€™t. Waitlist Page templates offers you ready-made screens built with Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js. You can use
Do I own the rights to the modified template?
Yes! You are free to customize any changes you want to your projects or client projects. With style changes, you can cus
How do the Webflow templates work?
We use Relume Libraries to power our Webflow templates. With Relume, you can simply copy and paste the page templates in
What's the difference between the licenses?
All of our products besides the Team Kits are individual licenses. The Team Kits are enterprise licenses. If you are for
What's your refund policy?
If you're unhappy with your purchase for any reason, email us at info@comingsoonkit.com within 7 days and we'll refund y
About the seller
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Waitlist Pages
Hey Whop Community, I'm Tiatun, a tech entrepreneur on a mission to break free from the 9-5 grind. My goal is to create innovative digital products that solve real problems and help creatives thrive. I'm currently working towards generating $10K/month in revenue so I can focus entirely on my passion projects. ๐Ÿš€

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