Happy to be in this great community Vincet is a great man I like how disciplined he is
I've had the pleasure of being a member Desi Trades for the past 10 months, and I'm consistently impressed by his dedication to the trade. Every day, without fail, he puts in an incredible amount of effort to prepare for the trade session. His daily research, technical analysis, and watchlist prepar...
Outstanding education-based learning. Having Vince set the market in real time in the morning is a big help to a new trader. Excellent insights, useful ideas and great community support are also included. Ideal for traders of all skill levels! I'd heartily suggest Options Insider on Whop!
If you seriously want to learn how to trade (and properly), then join this community. This guy is no BS, right to the point, and follows a disciplined trading strategy. People who are out there losing constantly NEED this. Don’t think. Just join.
I founde Desi’s community via Youtube and it has been a gane changer. He is very organized and straightforward the community is amazing even though I am still learning and adapting emotionally to the methods I find the methodology simple and efficient. The best is yet to come I know that for a fact!...
I’ve been following for two years. I’ve learned a ton
After having tried many other youtuber´s offers and videos, I´ve found Desi´s Options Insider the most suitable to my needs. Very good community, helpful members, and the best one: Des´s educational support via vocie and videos.
I have been following Vincent Desiano on YouTube for more than 3 months, I found his daily analysis about stock market very helpful in learning about day trading and swing trading
We never take the time to write those review even if the experience worth it 1000 times. Surely the best investment done in my life. Vincent is among the best teacher out there, teaching technical but also doing some psychology approach to trading. He is very calm, patient and have a lot of qualit...
Desi such a good trade, follow just one and only strategy- break and retest. It works perfectly. He explains why we take the trade with the stop very tight and target profit and always high.