Overall rating
Anyone can make money when everything is going up but during a correction is when it counts. Pelo failed big time on this latest correction. Had us buying calls on the way down and puts on the way up.
“Peloswing didn’t hold my hand and tell me when to sell” know what you can lose and set your stop losses before joining. Not all trading strategies are the same and not all people have the same amount of money to lose. Peloswings gives us great trade IDEAS and we can choose to follow them or not. If...
So overall I think Peloswing is a mediocre service. The price is fantastic. The issue is that there’s never any updates on losing trades. With winning trades we get constant updates on how high of a percent the trade is up. But any time an option drops below what we bought for, it’s radio silence. T...
I’ve been a long-time follower of PeloSwing on X, so I’ve been more than happy to subscribe and support someone who provides incomparable value and learning for the price of a coffee. If you seek the path to financial freedom, start here.
Manged to 4x my account in just a couple of weeks, definitely the best group I've been in
Above all they are professionals, great people and no drama, they help each other out. 1 trade paid for my membership for a year.
It is as easy clicking buy, sell, and managing your risk. No distractions, and bs noise. 11/10 highly recommend this room. I'm in for the long haul.
By far one of the most consistent players I’ve seen. And provides great DD to alerts, so you can have the confidence to enter a trade and have your own conviction that it will move favorably your way. I would recommend their service to anyone.
Highly recommended for those who want to not only be alerted to high-probability swings, but also high risk/reward alerts and a suite of freaking AWESOME tools. 🔥
Worth every penny. This guy rarely misses on his call outs. I’ll be here long term!