Overall rating
166 reviewsPolar Plus More!!!Stock picks,Betting picks,Hot item updates & monitors,food codes ,gas deals!!basically anything to feed your hustle & keep money coming in constantly.Definitely a plus in my book!
Don't like reselling shoes or streetwear? Well, this is the perfect place for you. Polar Chef Plus is a FREE server you gain access to when you purchase a membership for Polar Chefs. This server gives you even more ways to gain profit at the cost of nothing. They provide you amazon freebies, listing...
A lot of money to make on this server. Lots of useful information!
An amazing extra discord server takes your mind off the sneakers and gives you great opportunities for personals and other side flips to make really easy money! Love this group so much!
If you’re not in polar plus you’re missing out. There’s tons of of ways to make money in this server and guides for everything
If you're not in the Polar Chefs Plus group, then you're missing out on a lot of $$$. They are literally free money and you just have to put in the work! They provide the info, and you execute!
I'll start off by saying that every day you wait to join, you're losing money. You will make your membership back in less than a day - minutes if you're really trying. Before I joined this group, I thought the only way to make money off of flipping was to flip sneakers. That is definitely NOT the ca...
Excellent friendly group with tons of information! Love the way the group channels are organized. You also get like 2 CG in one. The main and plus!
I still learn new things whenever i actually go into polar plus, another way of making money is an understatement. There is literally 20 different ways to make money in just this server. T1 Group <3
I wills recommend this to everyone. Really easy ways to make money, that doesn’t take up any of your time. The team is always their to help you with your needs. I’ve learned so much from being in this group it’s crazy, that’s mainly why I choose to be a member.