I’ve been part of Rippy Club for about six months and honestly it’s the best ecom community out there. I’ve gained so much knowledge built a valuable network and connected with people who genuinely want to see each other succeed. Unlike other communities that seem more focused on selling courses Rip...
Was doing ecom for 8 months without any succes, paid for a mentorship that did not work out, then joined rippy. I followed all the pdf’s and calls and learned so much and within no time I scaled my first winners Rippy is the place to be!!
Rippy Club is always my go to for everything dropshipping related. They have a ton of resources and an actual community willing to help you which exceeds any other server I’ve been in.
Rippy Club is always my go to for everything dropshipping related. They have a ton of resources and an actual community willing to help you which exceeds any other server I’ve been in.
Honestly I’ve joined a few ecom discords and I have to say this is the most active, the best information literally new info every week with the calls, and Ant genuinely wants you to make it with ecom, if your thinking of joining just do it
Rippy has given me the resources to make $30k last month as a 17 year old. That says it all.
Honestly, this server is a game-changer for anyone in dropshipping or just getting into ecom. The community is super active, and people actually want to help each other out instead of gatekeeping all the tips. What I love? It’s not just a bunch of fluff or “gurus” selling their courses. Mods also k...
I recently started my ecom journey and I must say that RippyClub was definitely best plase to start. Tons of up-to-date info here, active community. Got my first sales after following all the strategies.
I love this Discord! Sooo much sauce spilled, better then anywhere else on the market. This discord I know without a doubt will help me reach my goals and GET RICH💸
The best server out there for learning ecom properly. The value they offer in their calls is truly amazing. Great work!