Excellent platform for artists that feel unheard.
Been at this for 10 years, just me an my buddy, and finally we found ourselves a little community. Some people have no experience, some have the most... and that's the beauty of it!
Great community of people and artist who are serious
I like how supportive the community around The Barracks is, as well as the fact that such experienced high level people aren't too far away to reach out to.
Absolutely unreal community and dope experience being involved with all these talented people!
I get to meet amazing artist’s and producers and connect with them. I know as I get more interactive I will be able to learn things I never knew before and pass on the knowledge to someone that needs help. I’m glad I joined 🙌
Highly helpful and full of professionals who know what they are talking about.
I like the practical information that could be used for all platforms also.