So... this server? It's run by two young furus who are more into flexing their latest purchases – fancy houses, Lambos, Rolexes – than actually teaching solid trading skills. And get this: even if you've paid for their 'lifetime' package, you can get unceremoniously banned just for dropping a 'bad' ...
Some decent trades but lots of stabs in the dark lost several times on even trades that where not “extreme lottos” I think he has a pretty good understanding of the market but the trades are very lotto oriented. I think one can do well if night tolerance for repeated trades to get the big winner
Bad discord, bad traders especially the owner, 90% trades are losing trades( it’s hard actually) and just leave it there all day to let it drift to zero, no management whatsoever.
Great community
Just terrible. Will ruin your life. They are consistent for a week and then not and then you loose everything.
honestly i must say this guy has helped me turn my account around. With 1000% BANGERSS in one trade!! he is none stop getting winning trades the minimum gains you will have a week from is 800%. Legend keep it up bro.
Most important REAL Money is being made and you actually get what you'd expect out of a trading group. The community is full of like minded people and are Hilarious so you don't get bored while making money too, worth every penny as you can make the entry cost easily in a day. (If not 5min lol) over...
when it comes to trading, its okay to be a copycat, as long as u copy the right cat 😈 shoutout oc 90% winrate wont let u down
This trading group is special. Consistently strong trades with great potential to trade with confidence and success. Oculus provides great guidance and technical analysis. Absolutely the best!
One of the best discords out there for learning day trading skills the market makers use day in and out. Finally a profitable trader thanks to you guys!