The posted trades are always 10-20% lower or higher when actual bought/sold. He closes positons publicaly, than later boasts on other platforms that he did not close. Do not recommend.
Macro Outlook- Sniper's Macro overview is spot on with his charting and analysis for what the market is doing and predicting what SPY/QQQ price target is phenomenal. Trading-His and Fluid's trading are not for accounts that are small. His entry is usually 20-40% less than when he alerts. So when you...
Would highly recommend, I’ve been in this group for 2 weeks now and on the first day I made back what I invested to get inside the group. @snipertrades is precise with his callouts and everything is structured. As long as you pay attention and follow the information you can’t fail. Would highly reco...
It's been 2 weeks in to Sniper Trader.I really like structured/organized way of keeping the things.His weekly calls that he publish on Sundays are great.Weekend live session is very structured and incredible learning for newbees.Market commentary is impressive...Thank You
Joined 2 weeks ago, very grateful of all the information available and users seem to be very active and willing to help other. Very excited!
Great info, cadence and insights for traders new and old
Great education and precise way of trading. Snipers show you the way to be at right ticker at right time. There will be losses but they also teach you art of recognizing it earlier and take the loss quick.
I’ve been in this room for about a month and I’ve learned a lot. Morning notes help you plan your trades and commentary throughout the day help a ton too.
I joined Sniper Trades two weeks ago. So far I have mixed feelings. 1. Some alters come very quickly and close very quickly, too. I believe Sniper himself makes lots of money but it is actually not beneficial to his followers. You have to be very quick. 2. I followed some good swing alerts and ma...
Sniper trades is about teaching risk management which is the key to success in the market. Great service and community!