43 whops
- Savety Solutions — We watch the charts for you, literally!NEW/monthI and a group of 3 other full time traders have decided to create an opportunity for those who have valid trading strategies and an edge in the financial markets but are tied down to a job that requires separate focus. I was once an employee, at many different jobs that had issue with me constantly monitoring my phone, and rightfully so. I now trade full time and decided a solution for the trader who struggles to execute their edge whilst working a regular job. Our alerting system is optimised for typical work environments where it is acceptable to take a 5 minute coffee/toilet/smoke break.
- Portal to the bankynworld — The all knowing knowledge5(1)/monthIntroducing the Bankynworld, An eye opening educational environment that provides traders the profitabilities they need in the market.The bankynworld helps traders who lacks the knowledge in the market and protect them form fear and unprofitability by live trading etc and helping traders conquer the market, this world will increase your trading capacity and decrease your stressful nights.
- PipsATM Trading 🏦 — Helping struggling traders becoming profitable and getting funded.5(1)/monthHelping struggling traders becoming profitable and getting funded.