- Trading Vibes — Make money with trading and let it be a vibe5(5)The official trading Discord of Trading Vibes.
- Santi Trading — ONLY ONE SANTI 🏆NEW/weekFree TrialSanti Trading is a new trading platform designed to help you succeed in the stock market. Our mission is to make stock trading easy, engaging, and efficient for everyone. We use simple technology and straightforward processes to ensure a smooth trading experience. Our special feature is our Discord channel, where traders come together to share tips, talk about trends, and support each other. With Santi Trading, getting into stocks is simple, empowering, and fun. Get ready for a fresh take on trading!
- Forex Forever — Become a trader forever. The only thing in your way at this time is information and will.NEW/monthI like to remain semi-private. I've been trading since 2010. Only mentees will know more about me personally. You should be able to afford this after a while. I can make it short.
- traderfinanceglobal — day trader in the finanacial markets such as Futures, Stocks, and Crypto.NEW/monthThis is a group designed to help grow young traders from not knowing nothing about trading to becoming amazing at a craft that can and will change there life. Here we will trade live everyday and give each other ideas and grow together as a unit and not alone. Everything in this group will be genuine and everything will be shown live. Now about me, im shaquille and i have been trading a full two years got into the game back in 2022 now 2024 I trade from home and make consistent profits while having decent 9-5. I don't trade to complelety replace my 9-5 but i trade for the extra source of income. I came from a ruff home, not much family but I knew I wanted to be great. I picked up trading not for the money but picked it up because I know this was something destined for me because I seen charts multiple times in my life and couldn't grasp at the fact how people make so much money from candles.
- SIgnal saviour — Specialise in highly profitable trading signals for all trading abilities..NEWWe have over 15 years experienced combined. We help people make money day in day out.
- swiftpip — I decided to create this course. My aim is to assist others who, like me, aspire to secure their financial future and achieve financial independence.NEW/monthI am a 17-year-old trader who began my journey inspired by a TikTok video. Initially, I experienced significant losses, but over time, I educated myself on market analysis and optimal trading strategies, leading to a substantial increase in my profits. Due to numerous requests from friends and acquaintances seeking my guidance, I decided to create this course. Here, we will teach you how to trade effectively and provide comprehensive support throughout your trading journey. Our goal is to assist others who, like me, aspire to secure their financial future and achieve financial independence. This course is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the markets confidently, ensuring that you are never alone on your path to financial success.
- Vanguard Trading Academy — Join my live trading room and get access to my comprehensive A-Z trading course as a free add-on!NEW/weekUnlock Your Potential with Our Exclusive Mentorship Program: I educate people on the financial markets, actively trading since February 2021. 👋 Access to 1 on 1s W/ Zyahaire 🎥 DAILY live mentorship calls (Mon - Fri) 🏠 Join a network of multi 5 figure/M traders and investors 🤑 Access to our trade-for-you program 📞 Hours of live trading breakdowns and educational recordings 🧮 FREE access to our A-Z trading course ⛺ Access to my brokers 📱 Monthly giveaways "You can't score if you don't shoot." - J.A. Konrath
- Elite Life Now — A carefully curated lifestyle program accompanied by weekly community webinars and daily $ making alpha calls. The pinnacle of health and wealth!5(2)/monthBrandon has been actively trading in the world of crypto since 2017, stocks since 2016, and sports betting since 2014. As a full-time occupation, he has consistently achieved seven-figure returns and has built a dedicated, like-minded community around his passion for living an ELITE life!
- Zay Trades — "The goal of a successful trader is to make the best trades. Money is secondary."NEWDiscover why traders love our platform for its transparency, educational value, and actionable trade alerts, empowering you to make informed trading decisions daily.
- CSZ TRADING FRANCE — La meilleure formation francophone de trading.5(17)Je m'appelle Corentin, mais vous me connaissez sous le pseudo "CSZ". Je trade le Forex depuis 2017 et, depuis 2019, je suis rentable et constant. Depuis 2020, j'ai eu l'honneur d'accompagner plus de 1 000 traders vers la rentabilité. Certains d'entre eux vivent du trading à plein temps, d'autres en ont fait un complément de revenu significatif, ce qui leur a permis de s'expatrier ou de passer plus de temps avec leurs proches et leurs passions. C'est ma plus grande réussite, au-delà de mes propres succès en tant que trader. Avoir pu transformer autant de vies est ma plus grande fierté. Cependant, mon parcours n'a pas toujours été facile, tout comme il se peut que le vôtre le soit aujourd'hui. Au début, j'ai eu beaucoup de mal à trouver des informations fiables à intégrer dans mon trading. J'étais frustré et en colère contre moi-même, stagnant malgré l'énergie et le temps investis. Il existe de nombreux contenus sur les bases du trading, mais en faire une source de revenu récurrent est une toute autre histoire. Après plus de 12 mois de galères, de doutes, et de moments où j'ai pensé à abandonner, j'ai décidé que si je parvenais à devenir rentable, il était de ma responsabilité d'éduquer d'autres traders en partageant mes méthodes avec pédagogie, transparence et bienveillance. C'est ainsi qu'en 2020, j'ai lancé mon compte Instagram, où j'ai déjà publié plus de 1 800 contenus éducatifs en quatre ans. J'y partage des ressources pour aider les traders à progresser chaque jour. J'ai également commencé à offrir un accompagnement et une formation. A ce jour, en 2024, j'ai formé et accompagné plus de 1 000 traders. Entre temps, j'ai aussi partagé des vidéos de formation gratuites sur YouTube et organisé de nombreux webinaires en direct, toujours dans le but d'aider ceux qui se retrouvent coincés, comme je l'ai été. J'ai appris seul, en parcourant Internet, des articles, des forums et des vidéos, mais surtout en exploitant mes propres observations via des backtests. J'ai consacré plus de huit heures par jour pendant un an à cette quête, sacrifiant le sommeil pour réaliser mon rêve. Je suis convaincu que le chemin vers l'acquisition de ces compétences peut et doit être simplifié, ce qui m'a poussé à créer cette formation. J'aspire à rester proche de ma communauté et à faire preuve de transparence, que ce soit dans les gains ou les pertes, dans la maîtrise de mon plan ou dans l'erreur. Je reste humain, et les leçons que j'apprends aujourd'hui sont celles que vous devrez peut-être affronter demain. Les partager avec vous ne peut que vous aider à un moment donné. J'ai à cœur de transmettre mes connaissances, mon expertise et mon expérience à travers les différentes offres que je propose. Si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas à m'envoyer un message privé sur Instagram (@csztradingfrance). Je répondrai avec plaisir et rapidement. Ne perdez plus une minute et rejoignez-nous pour faire ENFIN décoller votre trading. Cette fois-ci ça y est, vous avez trouvé la formation qu'il vous fallait.
What is Trading?
This is the Whop trading page, your home for the best trading groups the internet has to offer! If you’re looking for a community of like-minded traders and experienced mentors, you’re exactly where you need to be.
Whop’s listings include Discord Trading communities focusing on every trading style or asset class you need, so you’ll find everything from expert technical analysts covering the S&P to forex, day trading, trading indicators, investing education, and even emerging assets like cryptocurrencies and NFTs.
Each trading community is different, but there are a lot of things the best have in common. You can expect a fantastic community element in each, offering both a support group and a bit of banter when the time is right. Every group takes their niche seriously, though, and joining will give you access to educational resources, the latest tools and tech, market news and views, and even one-on-one face time with bona fide trading gurus.
All of this value can be found right here with Whop’s top trading groups and Trading Discord servers. So, if you want to make good on your journey towards becoming a top-class trader in your own right, check out these communities below!