Learn how to cancel a subscription that you purchased from creator on Whop.
- Go to whop.com/hub/memberships.
- Sign-in using your email address.
- Click on Manage.
- Select Cancel membership.
If you have canceled your subscription, you will receive an email confirming your cancellation.
- Search Your Inbox
- Look for emails with “Whop Order Confirmation” or from “no-reply@whop.com.”
- Check the receipt to see which Whop ID is listed (e.g., “Whop ID: support@whop.com”).
- Log In with the Correct Whop ID
- If the Whop ID on the receipt isn’t the one you usually use, sign in with that ID.
- Cancel the subscription from here.
- If You Don’t See a Receipt
- Check your bank or credit card statement for a line like “WHOP.COM/PAY/ABC123.”
- Follow that link and look for the Whop ID on the transaction page.
- Sign in with that ID and cancel from here.