
Updating your payment method

Considering a card update for one of your whops? Rest assured, we've got you covered! Delve into this convenient guide to effortlessly update your payment details. And should you encounter any hurdles along the way, don't hesitate to reach out to our exceptional support team—they're here to assist you every step of the way!"

How to update your payment method

  1. Launch Your Hub: Once logged in, navigate to your Hub to find your whops and apps.
  2. Click Your Avatar: Inside the hub, give your profile picture a click.
  3. Manage Membership: Open the drop-down menu and select 'Manage Memberships'.
  4. Find Your Membership: Select 'Manage' on the membership you wish to update.
  5. Update Payment: Click on 'Update Payment Method' to kickstart the process.

If your subscription is past due, our system will automatically attempt to re-charge your new payment method.

💡 Looking for more help? Reach-out to our 24/7 live chat support team here anytime.
