
Adding apps to your whop

Stumbled upon the perfect app to get your hustle going on Whop? Awesome! This guide's all about adding apps to your whop to start raking in some dough. Ready to dive in and level up your Whop game? Let's do this!

How to add apps your whop

  1. Access Your Hub: Once you've logged in, navigate to your Hub to locate your Whop.
  2. Select Your whop: Take a look through your Whops to find the one you'd like to enhance with apps.
  3. Add Apps: Click on 'Add Apps' located at the bottom left corner.
  4. Explore Apps: Search through available apps or submit a request for your preferred one.
  5. Add an App: Ready to make a choice? Click on the purple 'Add app' button to finalize your selection.

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