
Getting listed on the marketplace

Get your product discovered

Getting listed on the Whop marketplace is easy. With over 1 million unique monthly visitors, browsing, discovering, and buying digital products, it is well worth having your product available on the marketplace.

To get started selling, head here.

Marketplace submission

In order to get listed on the Marketplace, you first need to ensure that you have completed all the steps required to submit your product page for approval.

The requirements to have your product listed on the marketplace are as follows:

  1. Creating a product
  2. Adding one or more apps
  3. Adding one or more pricing options
  4. Adding a product description
  5. Adding a product logo
  6. Adding one or more product images
  7. Adding your social link(s)

Bonus: If you want to make your product page as converting as possible, we recommend adding a FAQ to your page, and adding a custom welcome message after purchase so customers know how to get started.

Once you have submitted your application via the dashboard, our team will review your submission and get back to you within 48 hours. If your product is rejected, the rejection reasoning will be sent to your linked email, where you can resubmit your application to join once you have made the outlined changes.

💡 Looking for more help? Reach-out to our 24/7 live chat support team here anytime.
