
Making the perfect email template

Diving into the nuanced world of email marketing, our upcoming article emphasizes the critical role of effective email templates. It offers practical guidance on crafting compelling headlines, selecting and customizing templates, creating persuasive call-to-actions, and optimizing your content for diverse devices, illuminating the pathway to impactful customer engagement.

What Makes a Great Headline?

A headline is the gateway to your email content. Even if you have a superb email template, a poorly crafted headline could mean your message goes unread. A compelling headline must pique curiosity, while also providing enough context for the reader to understand the email's purpose.

Take, for instance, you're reaching out to a customer who's considering cancellation, and you wish to offer a special discount to encourage them to stay. An effective headline could be, "A Special Thank You - Uncover Your Exclusive Offer Inside!" This headline is intriguing and suggests value without revealing too much, sparking the reader's interest and increasing the likelihood they'll click to learn more about the offer.

Remember, a great headline should strike a balance between intrigue and clarity, enticing the reader to open the email without misleading them about its content.

Choosing a template:

Creating a email template is super easy thanks to Mailmodo’s library of customizable templates, from events, onboarding, and feedback, Mailmodo has tons of great AMP and HTML templates to use which you can find here: https://www.mailmodo.com/email-templates/

Adding great graphics

Using a visually stunning design can help bring context into your email without the customer needing a full depth explanation. Adding a graphic at the start that relates to the content is a great way to keep your customers engaged. Visually, your emails should have a flow encouragaing the reader to continue scrolling down

Here is an example of a way to format your email graphics with the content of your email.

Call to action

Whether the goal of your email is to provide information or to sell your customers on a new product, there should always be a call to action readily available once they begin reading. It is safe to assume that the further you scroll down the less exposure that portion of your email will get eyes on. Making your call to action items closer to the top is a great way to let your customers know what's in the table for them without risking the customer missing the call to action by not scrolling to far down.

Final details

We recommend having the recipients name included (You can automate this in Mailmodo), cleaning up your email to have a casual and easy to read tone, not too long emails, and to test the emails yourself to see how it would look on your screen as a recipient.