
Promo codes

Explore the options of the creator promo codes page, designed to increase conversion rates and enable users to get a discount for your product on check-out. Promo code settings offer a plethora of options, ranging from expiration dates and usage limits to targeting new or existing users, one-time use, and product-specific configurations. This flexibility enables you to customize your promotions precisely to suit your needs.

Promo codes

The Promo Codes page features a sleek, redesigned table tailored to meet the needs of creators. This table presents vital information including the promo code name, discount amount, usage count, status, discount type, and creation date. Enjoy full customization options; rearrange the columns effortlessly to your preferences.

Creating a promo code

Creating a promo code is simple and allows for many different customizations. Follow these steps to create your first promo code:

  1. Promo Code Page: Let's start by navigating to your promo codes page.
  2. Create Promo Code: Excitingly, hit that vibrant purple 'Create promo code' button.
  3. Provide Details: Get creative and name your promo code, specify the discount amount, and set the duration.
  4. Configure Settings: Tailor your promo code to perfection by selecting the product, target audience, and limitations.
  5. Create: Drumroll, please! Click on 'Create' to bring your promo code to life.

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