3M Trading

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Customer Q&A
Q: Is there any way to check your trade's past performance?
A: Hey! Good question, you can check our trading performance by going here (copy paste the link): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11_KG3mU1CXwsq6XQnI5-733smoSiVcIiZR9Kjz2JwDY/edit?usp=sharing
Asked on Feb 15, 2024
Q: I have a full time job, would I have time to enter trades or will I miss most of them?
A: Currently we have 2 traders (our founders) sharing their trade signals at all times of the day. Most of them are sent around 10am MST to 1pm MST and 5pm MST to 2am MST so we pretty much cover most times of the day! We trade all sessions so some days we go the whole night without sleeping waiting for the set up! Hope this helps.
Asked on Feb 15, 2024
Q: What minimum funds do I have to invest or fund the account with?
A: Hey! Thank you for your question. There is no minimum funds to start in our mentorship. When you join you're joining so that we teach you everything we know about trading. There will not be a need for you to take a trade until you've learned + backtested and journaled your strategy.
Asked on May 15, 2024
Q: Do you have to be 18
A: In our mentorship your age doesn't matter because you join us to learn and master trading before taking a single live trade.
Asked on May 15, 2024
Q: So im a newbie in this feild and to learn about it will i be able to learn as a beginner in this place?
A: Hey! The short answer is absolutely. We pride ourselves on teaching our members everything they need to know about the way we trade from A-Z step by step.
Asked on Jul 28, 2024
Q: if you feel like this program isn’t what you want to do anymore can you cancel without hassle?
A: Yes, you can cancel anytime. No strings attached!
Asked on Jun 9, 2024
Q: Can i do trading on my convenient trading application? Or i have to give money to you?
A: You'll be using the broker or app of your choice. We don't have control of anyone's money.
Asked on Jun 17, 2024
Q: Are the signals only on crypto?
A: Signals are for every single market, from crypto to stocks, forex and precious metals.
Asked on Jul 19, 2024
Q: Do y'all often trade meme coins?
A: We love meme coins haha- that being said, we trade everything.
Asked on Jun 10, 2024