/5 stars
Customer Q&A
Q: What do you get with Premium Memebership??
A: Premium membership perks are listed under each membership on WHOP. The highest VIP membership gives you acccess to all channels on Discord, VIP Zoom access at 8:15am ET, VIP recordings, Workshop classes, Trading View Indicators (requires Trading View paid membership, not included) and much more.
Asked on Nov 7, 2023
Q: can I speak to anyone live today about a membership?
A: All questions about memberships can be directed to our Discord, under #go-here-for-help channel. You can sign up for free to access this channel and open a ticket for questions.
Asked on Nov 8, 2023
Q: 2 Questions: 1) For the VIP membership can we do monthly payments? 2) Do you tell us what software you suggest
A: Yes, VIP Membership is available monthly. Cancel any time you want to stop with no obligation. Coach uses WEBULL and Trading View for software.
Asked on Oct 23, 2023
Q: What services does the PREMIUM MONTHLY MEMEBERSHIP comes with?
A: Premium membership perks are listed under each membership on WHOP. The highest VIP membership gives you acccess to all channels on Discord, VIP Zoom access at 8:15am ET, VIP recordings, Workshop classes, Trading View Indicators (requires Trading View paid membership, not included) and much more.
Asked on Nov 22, 2023
Q: Are the people on tik tok posing as Coach? He said he never follows. I keep getting follows wanting me to set up trust wallet and contact them after
A: Yes, those are all scammers. Please don't fall for any of that. Coach will never reach out or follow you on any social media platforms. He will never trade for you or ask to deposit crypto into an account. That's all illegal and that's not COACH! Please be careful
Asked on Sep 21, 2023
Q: Does the promo code CHRISTMAS work on lifetime VIP? If so where do you enter the code?
A: Unfortunately, it does not. Promo Code "Christmas" is available for VIP Monthly, at the payment screen, you can enter the code under PROMO on the left-hand side of the screen.
Asked on Dec 5, 2023
Q: coach kinda of new to trading lookin for a coach to help me turn it up a notch I work full time m-f how would that effect my learning and earnings?
A: You can train outside of your work schedule. I won't sugar coat it; it does take time to learn but we have plenty of members that still work and train on a daily basis. Although a challenge, it is possible to learn something.
Asked on Oct 17, 2023
Q: What if I have zero experience
A: Good question, we want to keep things as simple as possible so even someone with no trading experience can learn. Anyone can join American Dream Trading. From seasoned traders to no experience at all. Hope this answers your question.
Asked on Oct 5, 2023
Q: Where do I create a ticket?
A: You can sign up for our free Discord, under #go-here-for-help channel. You can access this channel and open a ticket for questions.
Asked on Nov 22, 2023
Q: Where can I go to see how research how to be able to view your trades? I have been following you on Tiktok for about 2 weeks. VIP is def. interest.
A: The paid membership gives you access to our channels and a Zoom call where you can tune in every morning to watch Coach train live.
Asked on Sep 15, 2023
Q: What is the minimum investment needed to trade?
A: We always recommend to not trade with real money while you're learning. You can use a simulator that uses fake money to trade the market. We have some folks that started with $200 to get their accounts up and running.
Asked on Sep 26, 2023
Q: What do you trade options, futures, stocks? Do you include the daily zoom for premium members? What trading platform do you use.
A: We trade options and stocks. The daily zoom is available for paid members. We use Webull and Trading View but any broker is fine as long as you're ok with it. Just remember Coach is on Webull.
Asked on Oct 26, 2023
Q: like 96% of day-traders: without a Mentor? Why would a RealCoach, Mentor, SHOW successful day trading, with stops, when 96% don't in wild markets?
A: We've never come across anyone anywhere that doesn't recommend protecting yourself from market volatility. If someone told you to trade without putting in a stop, I would challenge their credibility.
Asked on Oct 5, 2023
Q: I have never traded in my life. I have no experience but want to get started. Where would you recommend I start and what service should I start with?
A: We have a VIP membership that gives you the most training available.
Asked on Oct 3, 2023
Q: Hello, my mother trades spot stocks (not options) and was wondering if you guys do stock spot signals that would work for her.
A: We review a lot of hot stock picks every morning that are handpicked for potential. In addition to that, we also have an IPO channel on the Discord.
Asked on Sep 27, 2023
Q: What do I need to start investing with you guys?
A: Join our free discord, once inside take a look around, we have a ton of information to look over on how to get started. Same information can also be found on the HUB here.
Asked on Jul 1, 2024
Q: How do I talk to someone to get more information on doing trading
A: You can join our Discord under the Free membership product in the market place. Once inside, you can open a help desk ticket #HelpDesk channel.
Asked on Jun 28, 2024
Q: Does VIP include alerts/live trading or just training?
A: Live Trading and Training, alerts come from people not bots.
Asked on Feb 29, 2024