/5 stars
Customer Q&A
Q: How much is the fee
A: The general membership is free lifetime, there will be value added services in the future and will notify to all when it is available.
Asked on Jun 26, 2023
Q: 请问ALAN如何进入讨论社群呢?
A: 点击Get Access, 同意条款,就可以加入Discord,但你需要先注册一个DISCORD账号
Asked on Jun 29, 2023
Q: How can joining your team?
A: 点击Get Access, 同意条款,就可以加入Discord,但你需要先注册一个DISCORD账号
Asked on Jun 28, 2023
Q: How to deal with profits interest if wave trading?
A: 点击Get Access, 同意条款,就可以加入Discord,但你需要先注册一个DISCORD账号
Asked on Jun 25, 2023
Q: Hi Alan, This is JojoT, I tried many times, but failed to access to this group. Can you help?
A: Hello, you need to claim discord role after you registered for Whop, the two emails should be same.
Asked on Jul 11, 2023
Q: I bought the service, but can’t get in
A: You need to connect discord to join. Please contact whop customer service they will help you very fast
Asked on Nov 22, 2023
Q: How to cancel a membership
A: You can always cancel your subscription in Whop under "Your Orders" at any time. Please contact Whop's customer service team if you have trouble with your cancellation.
Asked on Feb 2, 2024