/5 stars
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6 days ago
really solid mentorship. I would recommend it to anyone interest in ict concepts as he is very knowledgeable and can articulate his thoughts quite well. Its also nice to be able to talk to someone else who may be a little ahead of you in your journey and get good insight into what needs to be done to level up your trading.
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12 days ago
I've joined about almost two months ago, when Blaysian didn't have any mentorship. Even then, I was surprised at how supportive this community is. No matter what question I had, either Blay or someone else gladly explained it to me. And as for mentorship. I can say with a clear conscience that Blaysian is one of the best people in the trading community. He sacrifices a lot of time, is honest with everyone and will never reject you. I can really tell, that he enjoys the teaching. After the very first 1 on 1 call we figured out the problems I have and even came up with solutions, that I wouldn't have thought of on my own. It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or a more experienced trader. Blay will adjust to your level and start working on things accordingly. I would absolutely recommend it to anyone considering it.
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15 days ago
As a new trader, you have two options. Go through a long arduous process learning everything on your own, or paying someone to guide you in the right direction. I chose the second option obviously, and I'm glad I did. Not even being in the mentorship for a month, my psychology has changed tremendously. Which in return has allowed me to have my biggest trading day thus far. Blay doesn't take on more than he can handle, in terms of the amount of mentee's he has. Which allows him to respond quickly to your questions, and have personal weekly 1 on 1 calls. I've became more consistent, thanks to his guidance.