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2 days ago
Essential info for B2B lead gen. If you're not in here, you'll be left behind.
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3 days ago
I really appreciate how Guzz simplifies the core elements of marketing, sales, and B2B, taking you from a complete beginner to someone capable of capturing attention, booking meetings, and closing deals with important, busy, and wealthy business owners. What sets this course apart is its integration of AI tools, an active community always on the cutting edge of what works in lead generation, and access to experts who have already succeeded and can offer personalized advice. I landed a client who covered my business expenses, gave me option shares at an incredibly low price in a $100M-valuated startup, and provided a share for every investor (big or small) I bring in that closes. In my opinion, how quickly you reach an income goal depends on the time you invest (or money for automation tools) and, more importantly, how fast you iterate based on feedback from potential clients or the community, which promptly answers your questions.
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6 days ago
Gus provides a metric ton of material for whoever wants to be a leadgen boss and thrive in that B2B market. Tools and techniques are sharp and no BS. High value.