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4 months ago
I'm 20 years living with my parents because I couldn't afford to rent my own place and let alone drive anywhere. I was borderline depressed considering how fast time is flying and I'm here broke. I found out about CMC from a friend and it intrigued me so I took a dive and borrowed some money from my parents to join CMC and that's the best decision I've ever made in my life. Now it's been a week since I've got my new home and getting a new car soon and changing my life for the better. I can't thank CMC and the staff who was really nice to me enough! If you're also struggling and want genuine advice and real strategies to making money this is the place I'm not kidding 5/5
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4 months ago
Carbon money club really helped me unlock my true potential. I had really bad risk management, bad knowledge of markets and was trading retail and was getting wrecked all the time till I found them. A+ Signals, best support and community and im on my way to become a funded trader soon. BEST GROUP EVER!