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3 months ago
In a nutshell everything is a risk to reward ratio. I always wanted to learn about day trading. Saw faceless traders advertisement. And his dedication even after people were questioning him in a mask. I found few words resonate with me and I went in to the discord, you trade with your account and you manage how much you put in it. Everything is top notch, I grew my account a lot. The class is good they teach you how to manage risk, how to see the market moves. Overall I am very satisfied gained anywhere from 1% to 25%, there are days they warn you about market being choppy and let beginners know it’s ok to sit down and watch I have sat down and not traded. Love it here it’s a community and green is green 🫡
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3 months ago
Been with this group since the summer of last year and it has been an honor learning from those who have been running it. I've personally came in from knowing nothing about trading besides and interest and they have slowly but surely taught me the basics and things I needed to know in order to become a profitable trader. It's been a blessing to be a part of this community and watch myself grow with those around me who are learning as well.
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3 months ago
Great trading community surrounded by experts in day trading, swing trading and overall investment trading. I have been a part of Faceless Trader's for nearly a year now & have tremendously improved my skills. They offer A-Z training for options & futures. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just dipping your toes into trading, there's a place for you here. The community prides itself on being inclusive and supportive, fostering an environment where members freely share insights and resources. You will receive 3x the value of what you pay for this membership. You'd be surprised where you'll be in a year from now.