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Customer Q&A
Q: when is the next 1000 to 10000 start
A: In a month or so. Keep up with our TikTok or join early to get a head start!
Asked on Feb 13, 2024
Q: Does this grant me access to the software or will I need to get other apps?
A: This will grant access to our Discord. If you don’t have Discord, then it will be required to download Discord and create an account so Whop can identify you and give you access.
Asked on Apr 10, 2024
Q: What is the difference between VIP access ($99/month) and Lifetime access ($399)?
A: The $99 monthly VIP membership expires after each month. Lifetime membership is a one-time fee for VIP access for unlimited access for life!
Asked on May 21, 2024
Q: When you join the VIP membership, do you get the trade alert to your inbox? I think Discord / Whop is hard to maneuver
A: You will receive alerts on our easy-to-navigate Discord. You can easily right click and select which channels you want to receive push notifications for.
Asked on Apr 6, 2024
Q: I already payed how I can see your post
A: You need to connect your Discord account to Whop so Whop can give you access.
Asked on Mar 28, 2024
Q: with the lifetime subscription will I also get access to the $500 challenge?
A: Yes! You get access to the $500 Challenge, All VIP Features for Life, and VIP on all almost new programs that are to come
Asked on Jul 3, 2024
Q: How do I cancel my free trial so I could do the lifetime instead ?
A: Here’s Whop’s post about how to cancel: https://whop.com/help/customer/cancel-subscription/ You can also direct message Kenny or J if you’re unsure on how to find it.
Asked on Aug 23, 2024
Q: Will I be able to use this just using Robinhood? Or do you recommend some other brokers
A: You can use Robinhood as well as any of the other common brokers like Webull, Schwab, etc. You just need a broker that supports options trading + you need to enable options once you create your trading account.
Asked on Jul 17, 2024