/5 stars
6 results
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6 months ago
HamptonTraders is a great place for any trader looking for improvement and growth. I originally joined to be a part of a trading pod to be able to work with other traders and learn from & push each other to improve. Working in a small pod day-after-day with other serious traders has been everything I was hoping for and my trading has improved noticeably as a result. Aside from improving as a trader, it’s a tight-knit community and helps breakup the isolation of trading independently. Outside of the pods, I’ve also benefited from working 1:1 with RC on coaching calls, his live stream sessions, and all of the statistically driven prep he works on and shares. He actively works with each of the Pods and is engaged with everyone’s success and development.
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7 months ago
RC has done a great job of providing a trading environment with a small group of like minded traders. I enjoy the accountability in the pods, and sharing trade idea's and strategy as well as receiving feedback from others.
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7 months ago
I initially didn't know what to expect with RC's group, but I wanted to support his work given how much free content of his that I've consumed over the years. I've been very much blown away by his commitment to seeing every single one of us within the group succeed. It's definitely far from most of the furu groups advertised on twitter where you're getting a message of the day & the same levels we're all looking at anyways. You're getting the one-on-one attention that I think a lot of us need.