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Necro Monitors

(3 reviews)

Ticket resale community | Worldwide | 45£/month

Nothing to see here just yet, come back later!

Hosting Exclusive Information
Our team thoroughly analyzes the market, monitors current trends, and has insider knowledge in ticket resale.
Custom Restock Monitors
Receive instant notifications about restocks, so you don't miss out on any lucrative opportunities.
Friendly Community
A group of individuals with similar interests and goals, all focused on maximizing profits.
Release Guides
We create custom guides for each situation, relieving all your anxieties.
24/7 Support
Just open a ticket and we'll do our best to solve your problem.
Customer Q&A

Be the first to ask Necro Monitors a question. If answered, your question will show up here for future customers to see.

Customer reviews
5 out of 5
(3 reviews)
User avatar
8 months ago
I hopped on board about a month back, and soon after, I joined the owners for an some questions. It was a quick dive, but I gained loads of cool insights.
User avatar
8 months ago
Find wonderful service and joined a month ago. I got all the necessary information and started working without any experience. I also love the 24/7 support that they have.
User avatar
8 months ago
Joined a month ago, then after a quick lookthrough got into the AMA with owners what gave me a lot of knowledges. The content admin is amazing, I have never felt in touch with such a kind and smart guy.
What is the price and how can I join the group?
Currently, our subscription costs £35/monthly. As a private group, the only way to join us would be through planned restocks.
Is it possible to cancel at any time?
You can cancel your subscription at any time. However, if you change your mind and want to return it you will have to reapply to the waiting list.
How does the Membership work?
Necro Monitors operates on a monthly subscription system.
How can I contact you?
You can contact us through our Twitter.
What do you offer?
We are a ticket resell group so we focus worldwide events. Also, we provide release guides that include detailed site lists, valuable tips, resell predictions, and various other resources.
About the seller
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Necro Monitors
Reselling • Tickets

3 reviews

Necro Monitors is a group specializing in ticket resale WW and looking to help you in generating extra income.

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