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3 days ago
I have a successful career as an electrician but as a father of 4 girls it doesn’t allow me the time I want and need to spend with them. I had to find something lucrative that I could do from home. Enter the Tiger, a month in and I’m well into the green and I have no doubt that the lessons I have learned would’ve cost me thousands of dollars in losses to learn on my own. Their subscription fee is crazy cheap for the knowledge you gain not to mention the money you will make if you follow their plan. These guys are the real deal!
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12 days ago
The most transparent, educational, and beneficial trading group I've ever been a part of. Most people look for groups that just give signals, and not only does this group do that, but they also give you the tools and education to not have to only rely on their signals. And with each of their signals, they give you the "why" behind it so you can see what they see and learn from it. Not to mention the daily live trading sessions where you are literally watching every single thing they look at, getting a first person perspective of what they're looking for. If you actually follow what Tiger and Hassy teach here, you should have absolutely 0 reason not to make your subscription money back with your trades every single month. And even if you end up becoming such a good trader that you don't need the guidance of this group, you'll wanna stick around just for the amazing community of leaders and members they have constructed. A+++++, wish I came across this group sooner than I did! Thank you Tiger and Hassy for everything you do on the daily to set us up for success!
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17 days ago
In less than a months time, I have learned more from senior members of this discord, than the dozen stock market books read over the years. I can't say that "I have made my months costs" yet, but that's nobody's fault but my own as I go through the learning curve and grasp the understanding that trading vs investing is apples to oranges. Having a full time job also means that I have to be patient and pick and choose my battles, but for anyone who tells you that you cannot make money trading AND tend to your career responsibilities, they are full of shit. You just have to pick your battles/trades wisely. I cannot compare this discord to others, as I have never been a member elsewhere. However, we college football fans have a saying: "Team is family" and I can honestly say this group feels like extended family. Just like family, senior members actually care if you make ignorant errors and whether or not you are profitable. I can also confirm that the educational videos provided are worth their weight in gold! Thanks @tigerlinetrades , @hassytrades and ALL senior members who are willing to lend a hand. You guys truly make trading EASY!