House of Zi

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3 months ago
A member since December 2023. Learning how to daytrade takes time, being really good at daytrade takes even more time. I am not there yet but I am getting better every single week. It amazes me the big difference on how I use to daytrade when I first started back in December. To see Carbon set-up, execute and win trades everyday in realtime keeps me going. Yes, there are good and bad trades, but there are a lot more great trades. I also realized that my own timing, money management and lack of screen time was the big problem and I had to fix it. Daytrade is a skill. You need to see where a potential trend will occur, be patient and wait for the set-up, timing your trade then manage your emotions to maximize your wins or minimize losses to finish the trade. Being a daytrader is not an easy journey. You will get beat up and you will need help to get back on track. Carbon will help you get there. Carbon shows you everyday in realtime how it's done. Carbon, thank you and always grateful.