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Customer Q&A
Q: Is The one time fee is lifetime access?
A: Access to The Ones That Know is an one time fee for lifetime membership.
Asked on Dec 23, 2023
Q: If I had to choose between the mentorship and the Community - which one should I choose? Studying ICT concepts for about 18 months so far. Thanks
A: The main difference between The Ones That Know and The Mentorship is the following. Within Zeussy's mentorship you get mentored directly by him. You learn how he looks at the markets through his lectures, breakdowns and market reviews. Within TOTK you get access to educational content in the form of a course, livestreams and e-books. Next to that you get access to an uplifting community of advanced traders that are eager to help you develop.
Asked on Feb 6, 2024
Q: Am I able to ask Zeussy Questions directly with the Mentorship (For example the Reason why he put his SL there or why he partialled there etc.)?
A: Within Zeussy his Mentorship you can make use of the forum on Telegram where you can send your questions. These questions get answered in the market reviews, if the questions are valuable for all students and else Zeussy will reply to your message.
Asked on Mar 23, 2024
Q: Can we pay with crypto?
A: Yes. Please DM @TheOnesThatKnow on X and you will be provided the details.
Asked on Mar 17, 2024
Q: Are there livestreams during NY sessions where people are saying what they are looking at and if they are taking a trade?
A: Within The Ones That Know there are no livestreams during market hours because our community is not a signal service. Our livestreams take place during the weekend. This is when we invite great guest speakers to share their knowledge with us on stage.
Asked on Jul 19, 2024
Q: Is there any difference between the ones that know and the mentorship options other than the payment differences ?
A: The Ones That Know & Zeussy his mentorship are not the same service. Please read the full details on our store page.
Asked on May 13, 2024