We all know that making and selling digital products is a great way to make money online. They’re super scalable, they don’t take as much time or money as physical products, and they’re the future of online moneymaking.

But the truth is that not everyone is a creator. You might not have the time to create one. You might not like being on camera. And that’s alright; I’ll be the first to tell you that creating content is a challenge, especially when you’re just starting out. 

Now, what if you could skip all of this? What if all you need to do is pick a digital product and start selling it without creating any content or owning that product? You’d call me delusional, and just a couple of years ago, I’d agree with you.

However, thanks to Whop’s digital product Marketplace, this is now possible. This is the latest moneymaking opportunity that I call digital dropshipping.

Now, I know you have some questions. How can you do digital dropshipping, why is Whop the platform that enabled this, how can you start today? I hear you. Let’s get into the whole process, starting with the first step: content repurposing. 

Content Repurposing – Going Viral On Short-Form Algorithms

It was right around the late 2010s when I started noticing a shift in social media. One pandemic and a social media boom later, it’s safe to say that social media changed.

Short-form algorithms are now your best bet to get viral. And how could they not be? I can make a new TikTok account and get 100k views in my first video. Yes, I already have plenty of experience in content creation, so I know what works.

Unfortunately, this isn’t that simple for someone who’s never created a video before. It’s literally a coin flip. Your video idea might be great, but it gets no views because it doesn’t align with what the algorithm wants.

Now, what if you could remove that variable? What if you could just take a viral video, change it up a little, and post it again? Think about it. That video got a million views because something about it just works. Thus, if you recreate it, you’ll go viral as well.

This is what we call content repurposing. Content creators all around are gathering millions of views and hundreds of thousands of followers by just finding viral clips and re-editing them.

For example, you can find a viral clip and:

  1. Add some new text
  2. Sprinkle in some b-roll
  3. Switch up the clip order
  4. Change the music

You know, nothing too fancy. Simple stuff. Regardless of how simple this sounds, it works. Short-form algorithms allow it, and you can benefit from this.

In turn, if you find a clip with a couple of million views, chances are that it’ll go viral again and again. You just need to post a slightly edited version from different accounts. 

Again, the process is just so simple yet effective:

  • Download content that’s proven to go viral
  • Revamp it by adding unique elements to it
  • Post it and funnel all that traffic to any digital product you want

I’d go as far as to say that this is the best way to make money without having an audience. Now, how do you actually make money this way?

How To Turn Views Into Money

So, you’ve got these millions of views. Unless you’re partnering with social media platforms, views are just numbers, not moneymakers. Thus, you know how to get traffic fast, but how do you make money from that traffic?

My top choice is digital products, which you can leverage to oblivion. You make ‘em once and sell thousands without spending any more time or money, for the most part. But, there’s a big problem with these.

When you’re just starting out, you’ll have very basic skills. You might know how to edit and write but haven’t had the time to perfect these. Thus, you can’t really make a course teaching editing or writing when you’re not an expert on either.

Yes, everyone knows there’s money to be made in courses. A lot of it. But, very few creators have put in the years to become experts and have the 6-12 months and tens of thousands it takes to create a course.

So, in that case, how can you still turn these views into money? Well, I’ve got you covered. Let me show you what I’d do if I was starting from scratch.

How Whop Revolutionized Making Money Online

Whop really revolutionized the digital product world in more than ways. But, in essence, Whop has tons of different digital products, like courses and memberships, hosted by some of the top creators in the industry. I hear you say: “Yes, it’s the best platform to sell digital products, but I don’t have a digital product”. 

Well, Whop isn’t just a marketplace. It’s the first platform of its kind that allows you to get an affiliate link to sell access to the best courses and communities. If this sounds familiar to you, it’s essentially affiliate marketing.

Everyone knows about affiliate marketing. Every big YouTuber is affiliated with some platform. Software products all around offer lucrative affiliate deals. Amazon has a great affiliate program, as well.

But here’s the catch. Course affiliate programs are extremely overlooked. Community affiliate marketing is just starting to rise in popularity.

Remember, all these owners, whether they own courses or communities, are content creators. They have gathered an audience and are funneling them into their digital products. However, as content creators, they have hundreds of hours of content online. And you can use all that content to make some good money.

How? Content repurposing, of course. Short-form algorithms allow you to post repurposed content. In fact, I’d go as far as to say that they promote repurposed content quite a lot since it’s already gone viral once.

What does this mean for you? Well, all you have to do is take the content from these creators and repurpose it. Create a new account with their name, put your affiliate link in the bio, and… that’s it.

It’s all a game, really. You post content, you get views, and you make sales. Think of it like dropshipping. You just go on a platform like Alibaba, choose a physical product, and sell it to the masses without actually owning or manufacturing it.

The thing with Whop is that you get access to digital products across tons of different industries. Trading courses? Check. Sports betting communities? Check. Ecommerce and Business experts? Check. It’s all basically dropshipping but for digital products. Digital dropshipping, if you like.

There are hundreds of different products that you can choose from, all created by top content creators and niche experts. So, if you can’t wait to get started, simply click below, create your Whop account, choose the creator you want to be affiliated with, and start repurposing their content. Or keep reading to see how you can get your digital dropshipping to the next level.

Now, here’s a potential challenge. Why would they, as creators, allow you to do this? Isn’t it their content, their course, their community? Well, let me refer you to the most loved and hated marketing genius, Andrew Tate. Through this method, he managed to become the world’s most famous man.

Let me explain. 

How Affiliates and Viral Creators Make Money Together

When affiliates and creators work together, they both make money with minimal effort. Take Andrew Tate, for example. Love him, hate him, he gamed short-form algorithms, without doing much of the work himself. All he did was shoot content educating young men, vlog his lifestyle, and share some rather controversial opinions on camera.

Now, what if I told you that he managed to get his education platform, The Real World, to $25,000,000/month through affiliates? It was quite a simple yet super effective process.

Tate made a course where he encouraged community members to create TikTok accounts with his name on them. As an incentive, he offered 50% commissions for every sale from these accounts.

So, what ended up happening? Affiliates would make 10 accounts across social media, like TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram, naming them something like @andrewtatenews or @tateworld. 

All they had to do then was download viral TikToks or Shorts with Tate, add his signature Tourner Dans Le Vide song, and repost them. They could then create 9 more slightly different versions for each of their accounts, reaching an even wider audience.

All that was left was to put their affiliate link in the bio and direct the viewers to sign up for The Real World. And, boom. Dozens of sales in a matter of minutes after posting just one video. Billions of views every month, millions in revenue for Tate and his affiliates.

This was a win-win. Affiliates were making money from commissions, Tate was making the big bucks from the hordes of members joining The Real World and dominating every single social media platform.

Are these guys still making money? Of course. Hundreds if not thousands of affiliates are making $10k+ each month, with some going over $30k. And all they needed to do was download a TikTok and reupload it a dozen times around. 

That’s how they make that much. And that’s how Tate rakes in the $25,000,000 per month while also being the most famous man in the world.

Now, in 2024, there’s no point in going for Tate as an affiliate. It’s a saturated market. The first affiliates were making $100k each month, and while $10k is nice, it’s a mere fraction of those first few big moneymakers.

The real money isn’t in The Real World. It’s in the new creators.

Finding an Edge With New Creators Before They Go Uber Viral

Every new creator will try to replicate Tate’s success. Educational content creators who sell digital products want affiliates to repurpose their content because it brings them a) more money and b) a wider reach.

Now, I hear you loud and clear: “But, Brett, why isn’t every creator doing this? Why don’t they just get 10 people on their team to create dozens of accounts and repost TikToks?”

Well, admittedly, this is hard to replicate. Everyone wants to do it, yes. However, hiring, training, and managing a dozen people internally is expensive and time-consuming. And that’s where you can find your edge.

The concept is simple. The earlier you are, the more money you make. Think of it like this. Let’s say you’re the only affiliate for a creator. And you managed to get 100k views from the TikToks you reposted, leading to 100 new sign-ups.

Now, let’s consider that you’re starting out alongside another 4 affiliates, and you’re all posting the same TikToks. You’ll all collectively get 100k views since the algorithm will only show one version of the TikTok to each individual.

Plus, after they view one version of a viral TikTok, most viewers won’t watch the same TikTok with a different background music.

So, essentially, those 100k views, and, subsequently, the 100 sign-ups, are spread out across 5 affiliates. Thus, the more competition there is, the less you’ll make.

That said, how do you start making money through affiliates? How will you find the best digital products, with the best commissions, from top creators who’ve yet to go uber viral?

Once again, I’ve got you covered.

How To Start Your Journey to $10k Today

As I said above, we’re in 2024. There’s no point in going for Tate. All you have to do is go on Whop and look for new creators with great personalities, good reviews, and, most importantly, proven viral content. The great thing is that Whop is full of these creators, so you won’t need to spend too much time finding them.

Now, how do you get to the $10k mark? Here’s what I’d do:

  1. Find a creator with a significant amount of social media content. Some of it is bound to have gone viral otherwise they wouldn’t be selling on Whop.
  2. Create a few accounts under the creator’s name. Make these look like they’re actually the creator’s account. Name ‘em something like @(creator)world. And, don’t forget to add a picture of the creator. Make it look real and reputable.
  3. Add your affiliate link to the bios. Again, make the bios look legit, but make sure to add your affiliate link.
  4. Start downloading their content. Find the remarks or posts that have gone viral to make sure you also go viral.
  5. Edit the content to make it stand out. Change the hooks, mix up the editing, add extra graphics. Make sure that the algorithms can see it as fresh content.

After that, it’s time to upload. The key is to direct the traffic to the link in the bio. Maybe find a TikTok where the creator specifically mentions signing up using the link in the bio. Or, add a pinned comment directing them to your bio.

And that’s how simple it is. The creator gains more members, and you get those sweet, sweet commissions. 

If I was starting from scratch, that would be the fastest way to make money in 2024. I’d expect to reach the $10k mark within 3 months, and, at that point, that number will be growing exponentially.

Whop: For Digital Dropshippers and Creators

As I’ve mentioned plenty of times, Whop is the only place where you can find high commissions and viral content creators with the best digital products, from courses to communities. It’s truly the best place for digital dropshipping. So, becoming a Whop Affiliate is a no-brainer if you want to make money fast without an audience.

But remember, this isn’t just about the money. Well, it mostly is, but there are other more important things to gain from becoming an affiliate. You’re probably a total beginner in this. So, yes, you’ll make money quickly but also gain some very, very valuable skills.

You’ll be posting thousands of different videos and, essentially, managing an affiliate marketing business. So, you’re building skills that you can then use to take that $10k up to a million. I’m talking viral hooks, retention editing, psychology principles, copywriting, marketing systems. All these are very lucrative skills.

And, who knows? While you may start as a Whop Affiliate, you might end up being a part of the Whop Marketplace within a year’s time.

But first, you have to become a Whop Affiliate. If you’re ready, all you have to do is sign up on Whop, choose the creator you want to be affiliated with, and start reposting the content, all within the next few minutes.